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The Investment Gallery Holds Advanced Discussion Regarding Issuers IDX-TLKM

FIA UB's Investment Gallery Laboratory held a seminar entitled "Investment Impact: Examination of IDX-TLKM Issuers". The event which took place at the 10th floor Building E Auditorium was attended by Edwin Sebayang SE, MBA., CSA, CIB (Vice President of Investor Relations of Telkom Indonesia) and Dr. Ir. Achmad Faisal, MBA., CGP (AVP Shareholder Relations of Telkom Indonesia) as … Read more

RCCP FIA UB Holds Training for Planners of the Ministry of Religion Affairs

Pusdiklatren Administrative Staff of Research and Development Research Center of the Ministry of Religion in collaboration with Pusbindiklatren Bappenas and RCCP FIA UB held the Ministry of Religion's First Independent Expert Planning Functional Training. The activity aims to improve the competency of the first expert planner functional position, taking place from 12 September to 28 October 2022 with an e-learning mechanism. The opening of the training was attended by the Head of the Administrative Training Center, the Head of … Read more

Increase Competencies of Graduates, Department of Public Administration Stakeholders Input Network

The Department of Public Administration held a national workshop entitled "Network Information on Market Needs (Market Signals) in the framework of Curriculum Reconstruction". The event, which was centered in the Hall of Building A, 4th floor, was attended by a number of internal department stakeholders and lecturers. Stakeholders who attended consisted of elements from government institutions, the private sector, academia, and the mass media. In his remarks, the Dean of FIA UB … Read more

Market Requirement Information Networking Workshop

Workshop on Information Networking Market Needs (Market Signal) for Public Administration Undergraduate Study Program, Master Public Administration Study Program, and Doctoral Administration Science Study Program with interest in Public Administration  

Director of Indonesia's National Archive Visits Archive and Administration Gallery of FAS UB

(22/12) FIA UB Administration and Archives Gallery which is under the coordination of PSIK FIA UB, received an honorary visit from the Head of the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI) Drs. Imam Gunarto, M. Hum. and Main Secretary of ANRI Rini Agustiani, M.AP who was accompanied by the Dean, Chair of PSIK, Head of Library Science Study Program at FIA UB on the sidelines of attending the National Seminar at UB. … Read more

US Librarian Gives a Public Lecture at Sarjana's Program in Library Science

(17/12) The Bachelor of Library Science Study Program today held a Guest Lecture with the theme "Best Practices of Libraries in the US and Asia". With Endry Putra, SIKom., MIKom as moderator, this time the Guest Lecture invited John Hickok, Public Services Librarian from California State University Fullerton. Dean of FIA UB, Drs. Andy Fefta Wijaya, MDA., Ph.D., opened the event … Read more

Closing Ceremony of AQAS Online Site Visit for FAS UB Cluster II

(16/12) AQAS Online Site Visit series for FIA UB II Cluster has been completed. The international accreditation which was attended by the Bachelor of Education Administration Study Program, the Bachelor of Library Science Study Program, and the Masters Program in Higher Education Management was closed with the submission of general comments from the Panel of Experts. Representing the Experts, Prof. Ursula Georgy said that in general the management and facilities … Read more

Partnership between Tourism Study Program and Cimory Dairy Land

(23/12) The Tourism Study Program initiated a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) between PT. Sapta Pesona Tourism (Cimory Dairly Land) and Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya. PT Wisata Sapta Pesona is a company part of the Cimory Hospitality Group which is developing a tourist destination project with the Family Leisure Park concept in several areas on the island of Java. The aim of the collaboration… Read more

Improving Literacy, Lecturers of Sarjana's Program in Library Science Holds the DOKAR Program at Library of Sumbergondo Village, Batu City

(7/12) FIA UB Library Science Study Program held a Lecturer Working Program (DOKAR) at the Sumbergondo Village Library, Batu City, East Java. This activity is in collaboration with the Library and Archives Office of Batu City and the Village Government of Sumbergodo Village of Batu City. In this program, the Library Science Study Program, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, sends a team of Lecturers to Work Together with students who co… Read more

Mohammad Iqbal Got Invited as a Guest Speaker in an International Conference at Malaysia

(8/12) The Undergraduate Tourism Study Program had the opportunity to fulfill the invitation of the UiTM Malaysia Hotel and Travel Management Faculty (FPHP) to become the co-organizer of the 6th International Hospitality & Tourism Conference (IHTC) 2022 which was held on 7-10 December 2022 took place at the Sabah International Conference Center (SICC), Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia with the theme “Revitalizing ASEAN Tourism: … Read more

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