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Sarjana's Program in Tourism Seals an Agreement with Sarjana's Program in Tourism of Universitas Gadjah Mada

(21/11) S1 Tourism Study Program, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya and S1 Tourism Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Gadjah Mada University signed an online Cooperation Agreement (PKS) today. This MCC was signed directly by the Dean of FIA UB Drs. Andy Fefta Wijaya, MDA., Ph.D. and Dean of FIB UGM Dr. Setiadi, M.Sc. MCC that will expire in 2024 … Read more

Officials of FAS UB (2021-2025)

  Dean: Prof. Drs. Andy Fefta Wijaya, MDA., Ph.D Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs: Arik Prasetya, M.Sc., Ph.D Deputy Dean for General Affairs, Finance and Human Resources: Dr. Muhammad Faisal Riza, M.Sc. Deputy Dean for Student Affairs, Alumni and Entrepreneurship: Dr. Mochammad Rozikin, M.AP.

Prof. Dr. Hamidah Nayati Utami, Newly Inaugurated Professor

(19/11) Today, the Open Session of the Academic Senate of Universitas Brawijaya officially confirmed Prof. Dr. Hamidah Nayati Utami, S.Sos., M.Si as a Professor in the Field of Human Resource Management at the UB Faculty of Administrative Sciences. On this occasion, Prof. Dr. Hamidah Nayati Utami, S.Sos., M.Si delivered a scientific oration speech entitled "Situational Human Resource Management Model In ... Read more

MBKM Internship Students Initiate World Storytelling Day Celebration

(18/11) Five students from the Educational Administration Study Program initiated the Storytelling Day activity “Find New Inspiration, Enthusiasm, and Hope for Children”. They did this in the framework of the MBKM Internship assignment at SD MISS Malang. On that occasion, the students invited MISS Elementary students to tell stories from their own friends and the teachers there. Each group alternately… Read more

Training and Certification of Public Relations Officer to Lecturers and Staffs

(16/11) As many as 20 lecturers and educational staff of FIA UB attended the "Public Relations Officer Training and Certification". The activity which was held at UB Guest House was officially opened by Deputy Dean II Dr. Muhammad Faisal Riza, M.Sc. To the participants, the Wadek hopes that this activity will produce public relations practitioners who are certified by the state through the BNSP. Besides that, … Read more

National Archive of Republic Indonesia Makes a Visit to Administration and Archive Gallery of FAS UB

(16/11) The Administration and Archives Gallery of FIA UB which is under the coordination of PSIK FIA UB, received a courtesy visit from the Republic of Indonesia National Archives Team (ANRI) accompanied by the heads of BMN sub-divisions and Heads of Administration throughout UB on Thursday 3 November 2022. UB's FIA is considered capable of being an example in UB's environment, especially regarding archival management... Read more

Universitas Jambi Learns Management of Labs at FAS UB

(14/11) The Politics and Governance Laboratory (LPTP) received a visit from the Study Program D-IV Government Management and Regional Financial Administration at the University of Jambi in the context of Laboratory Benchmarking which took place in Building E Floor 7, a joint meeting room. The activity was attended by the Head of LPTP Dr. Ike Wanusmawatie, Secretary. Department of Public Administration Wike, M.Si, DPA, Head of Lab. Tourism Edriana Pangestuti, M.Sc, … Read more

FAS UB Makes Agreement with KPSP Setia Kawan Malang

(12/11) FIA UB signed a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) with Setia Kawan Dairy Farming Cooperative (KPSP). Preceded by the signing of the MoU between UB Rector Prof. Widodo, Ph.D.Med.Sc with Chairman of KPSP Setia Kawan Ir. Sulistiyanto, MM, PKS opens up opportunities for implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education by the FIA UB academic community at KPSP. Then, activities continued with FDG... Read more

Directorate General of Tax Visits Tax Center

(11/10) FIA UB's Tax Center received a visit from the Directorate General of Taxes. The team led by Lury Sofyan was present at FIA UB to discuss the development of a tax volunteer information system. From FIA UB, lecturers and a team of Tax Center experts, Rosalita Rahma Agusti, MSA.Ak and Head of Tax Study Program, Dr. Kadarisman Hidayat, M.Sc. Discussions that… Read more

Covid-19 Cases Soar, UB Decides Full Online Lectures

Universitas Brawijaya (UB) decided to hold lectures online due to the spike in the Covid-19 case. This online lecture decision is up to an unspecified time limit. This was stated in the letter of UB Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Ir Nuhfil Hanani AR MS numbered 2196/UN.10/TU/2022 dated 11 February 2022. Based on a report from the UB Covid-19 Task Force regarding the increasing number of Lecturers, … Read more

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