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UB Chancellor Inaugurates FIA UB's New Canteen

The new canteen of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) is officially opened for all academics. The inauguration was marked by a friendly meeting with the UB Chancellor and the faculty leaders in UB's environment in the canteen which is located on the 1st floor of Building E FIA UB. On that occasion, the leaders of the largest PTN in Malang City had the opportunity to … Read more

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MABA Photo Update 2017 at SIAM UB

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ANNOUNCEMENT Number: 8318/UN10/A01/PP/2017 UPDATE OF 2017 NEW STUDENT PHOTOS AT SIAM UB In connection with the imminent printing of Student ID Cards (KTM) for new students in 2017, we announce to all UB new students a few things as follows : All new students class of 2017 are required to re-upload a passport photo at SIAM. Uploading a new passport photo with… Read more

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