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Department of Business Administration Preparing for Espriex BMC 2016

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Successfully holding the ESPRIEX (Entrepreneurial Spirit Exchange) event in 2013 and 2014, the Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya again held ESPRIEX in 2016 in collaboration with the organizers of the International Business Model Competition, namely Brigham Young University as the host, as well as Harvard University and Stanford University as co-hosts under the name ESPRIEX BUSINESS MODEL COMPETITION (BMC) ASEAN … Read more

Study Excursion, Himabis Visits a Tourism School in Bali

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The 2015 Himabis Study Excursion was held on 17-21 November 2015 with the aim of going to Surabaya and Bali. This year's Himabis Excursion Study was attended by 80 student participants consisting of various majors, most of whom were students of business administration, taxation, and tourism business study programs. On November 17, 2015, all excursion study participants departed for Surabaya … Read more

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