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Announcement for New Undergraduate Students Batch 2015 (Updated as of 31/08/2015)

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No : 020/Spn/PKK-MABA/ADIRAJA/VIII/2015 Attachment : – Matter : Announcement Letter Hello new students To Dear. All new students of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Brawijaya Assalammu'alaikum Wr. Wb. In connection with the upcoming PKK-MABA ADIRAJA FIA 2015, new FIA 2015 students who need information about PKKMABA can be present on: Day/Date : … Read more

Prof. Fujimoto Koji: Take These Six Steps to Get Development Funding from the World Bank

The Public Administration Masters Program held a guest lecture which presented guest lecturers from Takushoku University Japan, Prof. Fujimoto Koji, Friday (28/8). The event was held in the classrooms of Building C, 3rd Floor and was attended by 17 new students enrolled in the Double Degree program with the Japanese university. At the guest lecture, Koji shared… Read more

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