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The 3rd Period of Graduation Ceremony 2014-2015 Academic Year

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The 3rd Period of Graduation Ceremony 2014-2015 Academic Year In connection with the fulfillment of the 3rd Period of Graduation Ceremony 2014-2015 Academic Year, web hereby announce the following matters: The Graduation Ceremony held on Saturday, 15th November 2014 There is no cancellation and replacement of graduation participants The Graduation Ceremony reherseal held on Friday, 14th … Read more

Implementation of Graduation Period III Academic Year 2014-2015

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In connection with the fulfillment of the 2014/2015 Period III Academic Year Graduation quota, we hereby inform you of the following: The graduation procession was held on Saturday, November 15 2014. There were no cancellations or replacements for graduation participants. The graduation dress rehearsal was held on Friday 14 November 2014 at 15.00 at Samantha Krida UB. Faculty can take invitations… Read more

An Adjustments Schedule of Middle test odd semester 2014/2015

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Advised to all students of S1 as follows: Schedule corrections for the Legal Governance courses (Adm. Rule science) and Citizenship (Adm. Public study program) can be downloaded here. Room corrections: Creativity and Innovation (Business, F) Theoretical Development (Governance, A) – Restaurant, Bar and Catering Management (Tourism, A) Please download it here. Schedule correction: Introduction to … Read more

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Adjustment of Odd UTS Schedule for 2014/2015 Academic Year

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It is notified to all undergraduate program students as follows: Revised schedule for Governance Law (Government Administration) and Citizenship (Public Administration Study Program) courses which can be downloaded here. Spatial Corrections: – Creativity and Innovation (Business, F) – Development Theory (Government, A)- Restaurant, Bar and Catering Management (Tourism, A) Please download here. Schedule Error: – Introduction … Read more

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