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FIA UB Becomes the First Faculty in UB to Have a Career Center

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The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) is the first faculty within Universitas Brawijaya (UB) to have a career center. This service is intended for students and alumni to encourage career development. Irfan Kharisma Putra, S.AB., M.AB., as one of the initiators of the job career center explained that FIA UB is committed to continuing to develop the careers of students and graduates. It is hoped that the existence of a career center can shape student skills according to market needs. “This is a commitment from the FIA to see developments in the industrial world. The job career center was created to help the career development of students and graduates. "The hope is that the skills that students will have will be in line with market needs," he said.

Not only was the job career center launched, the event was also packed with guest lectures with three speakers. First, Muhammad Cahyadi who is the Founder of the Mavendra Group. Second, Heru Gunadi as an entrepreneur, writer and lead designer. Third, Garfild FO Posumah, SE., SH., MH., MM., as tax consultant.

It is hoped that the material from the three speakers will be absorbed by students so that it will be useful in developing their careers. "Resources are not only invited, but we also hope that cooperation can be established. "For example, with the Mavendra Group, we have official collaboration," said Irfan Kharisma.

Added by the Deputy Dean of FIA for Student Affairs, Alumni and Entrepreneurship, Dr. Mochammad Rozikin, M.AP., that the establishment of a career center is intended to increase the quality and capacity of graduates. This is in accordance with the Main Performance Index that the faculty must achieve. "One of the indexes that we have to achieve is alumni who after graduating work for 12 months with a salary of 1.5 million or above the minimum wage. "To achieve that, one of the efforts is with this career center," said Deputy Dean III FIA UB.

The existence of the career center will provide various training, workshops and collaboration with partners. Rozikin hopes that in the future the career center can bring benefits to students and alumni. "The tracer study is still being carried out by the center. However, we at the faculty are synergistically working on that. "The goal is to know the percentage distribution of alumni from each faculty," he said.

Not only was the career center launched, at the same time three practitioners were also brought in as resource persons. Students can find out various experiences in the field from practitioners. “This is the first step for the next step. We form one point that is connected to other points, building networks and collaboration. Without networking and collaboration it is difficult to exist. "Hopefully this career center can be useful," said Rozikin in conclusion.

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