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Collaboration between FIA UB and STIA LAN Bandung Polytechnic

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Collaboration in the Tri Dharma of Higher Education is being increased by FIA UB and STIA LAN Bandung Polytechnic


Malang—On May 30 2023, the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Brawijaya University (FIA UB) and the LAN Bandung Polytechnic College of Administrative Sciences (STIA LAN Bandung Polytechnic) officially collaborated to strengthen the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. This educational institution is committed to improving knowledge in the field of administrative science by signing this agreement.


This collaboration agreement, which was signed by the Dean of FIA UB and the Director of STIA LAN Bandung Polytechnic, covers all elements of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education: education and teaching, research, and community service. This shows a shared commitment to make a greater contribution to society and the world of education.


“This collaboration is an important step in exploring the potential and resources we have together. "We believe that by working together, we can create significant innovation and reform in the field of administration," said the Dean of FIA UB when giving a speech. “We are very happy to be able to establish a partnership with the famous FIA UB. "This will provide an extraordinary opportunity for our students and staff to learn and collaborate well," said the director of the STIA LAN Bandung Polytechnic. By working together, both institutions are committed to creating an academic environment that values cooperation and creativity, with the hope of making a greater contribution to society and the country.

There is a strong belief between both parties that this collaboration will have a lasting positive effect for their own institutions and the Indonesian education community as a whole. The Dean of FIA UB stated, "We hope that this collaboration will become a strong foundation for building a brighter future full of innovation in the world of education." It is hoped that this collaboration will strengthen the relationship between FIA UB and STIA LAN Bandung Polytechnic and show how positive synergy between educational institutions can produce greater profits.

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