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To improve scientific competence and experience of intellectual interaction of teaching staff on a national level, the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) Universitas Brawijaya sent four lecturers as delegates in a scientific meeting which was packaged as a Scientific Conference and Seminar. The event was organized by 2nd Asia Pacific Business and Economics (BESIPA) at Sari Mutiara Indonesia University, Medan City from July 3 to July 4 2019. Aside from being a delegate at the conference, FIA UB also had the opportunity to take part as co-host along with eleven other universities in Indonesia.

Four FIA UB delegates took pictures with the Committee, Reviewers as well as BESIPA 2019 Medan Speakers

Four delegates who represented the Faculty of Administrative Sciences from the Tax Study Program, Dr. Saparila Worokinasih, S.Sos., M.Sc., who delivered a paper entitled "The Effect Of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Disclosure On Firm Value". Meanwhile from the Business Administration Study Program, Andriani Kusumawati, S.Sos., M.Sc., DBA presented the results of his research on various sources of information for university promotion through marketing media that are preferred and chosen by the millennial generation as outlined in the title "Marketing Media Millennial Choice Universities as a Source of Information in Choosing Higher Education Institutions: An Exploratory Analysis From the same study program, Mohammad Iqbal, S.Sos., MIB., DBA delivered an article entitled "Exploring Entrepreneurial Exit: Differentiating Between Twofolds Of Entrepreneurs (A Study Of SMEs & Start-Up Founders In Malang-Surabaya-Indonesia)". Sri Sulasmiati, S.Sos., MAP., lecturer from the same study program explained about the condition of Indonesia's foreign exchange which is increasingly worrying day by day in a study entitled "Factors Affecting Indonesia's Foreign Exchange Reserves".

The scientific activity which was attended by academics from various universities in Indonesia carried the theme “The 2nd  BESIPA Conference 2019 “Business and Economic in Industry 4.0. Era" there was also a seminar session on "Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0" where Dr. Yuningsih, M.Com, CPA. Prof. Rahmawati, Prof. Dyah Sawitri and Dr. Rini Indahwati. On this occasion also, one of the papers from FIA UB presented by Andriani Kusumawati, S.Sos., M.Sc., DBA won 3rd place in The Best Paper by getting a prize in the form of a number of cash and certificates of appreciation.

Andriani Kusumawati, S.Sos., M.Sc., DBA (left) as the third Best Paper Winner received an award from one of the BESIPA 2019 MEDAN Reviewers

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