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Apprentice Registration Scheme

The Faculty of Administrative Sciences provides 4 (four) types of internship programs, one of which is a regular internship. Regular internship is an internship program that can be taken by students who have taken apprenticeship courses and carried out starting in the 6th semester, which generally starts on the sidelines of the 6th semester break with the main requirement being a minimum of 113 credits that have been taken. The following is the flow in registering for a regular internship at FIA UB:

  1. Preparation of internship proposals in accordance with the format and writing systematics listed in the latest Apprentice Handbook.
  2. Registration through SIFIA ( in the “Internship” section then “Internship List”.
  3. Fill in the requested data in the "Filling Form" completely and correctly.
  4. Uploading of internship proposals and KRS in one file in PDF format in the section “KRS Mentioning Taking an Internship” (if the internship is carried out in a GROUP, then the proposal file is combined with the KRS file of the GROUP CHAIR).
  5. Wait for the process, the selection of supervisors will be carried out by the study program and the cover letter will be processed by the department.
  6. All processes are carried out through sifia so make sure students are always updated on developments in sifia.
  7. If there is a revision at the time of registration, you can check the link

If the regular internship application at the agency is rejected, the student needs to re-register by revising the required fields. Submission of apprentice changes can be filled through the form by clicking PengajuanPerubahanMagang. The procedure for changing the FIA UB Internship is as follows:

  1. Contact Mrs. Hanifa and tell her that you have filled out the Gform.
  2. After being approved by Mrs. Hanifa, students can DELETE SUBMISSIONS.
  3. Delete submission.
  4. Register again with the same procedure.
  5. Contact Mrs. Hanifa if you have resubmitted.
  6. Wait for the process.

It is important for students to pay attention to every step that needs to be taken in apprentice registration so that the apprentice registration process can run smoothly according to the established systematics. Regarding the internship supervisor, students who will register for an internship can confirm with Mrs. Hanifa to get a supervisor. More detailed information about the Regular Internship program can be seen in the latest Apprentice Manual.

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