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Raising Startup Issues, FIA UB Summer Course Attended by Participants from 18 Countries

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Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) collaborated with the College of Business and Management Tarlac Agricultural University to hold Webinars Series to share perspectives between Indonesia and the Philippines regarding Startups by presenting 9 speakers from 3 countries. The event which was held from Monday to Thursday (15-18/05/2023) was packaged in a form Webinar Series: Summer Course by theme “Startup 101: From Ideation to Fundraising and Supporting Policies”.

The Committee Coordinator, Cacik Rut Damayanti said that Webinars Series This is to share experiences and knowledge from the perspectives of Indonesia and the Philippines. Apart from that, the event which was attended by more than 300 students from 18 countries was to gain relations. They are from Asian countries, namely Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Myanmar, Cambodia, Vietnam, East Timor, China, Taiwan, India, Pakistan, and of course Indonesia and the Philippines. Apart from that, there are also people from Africa, such as Malawi, Kenya, Egypt, Morocco, and Nigeria. As well as, from Romania Europe. "We invited 9 speakers from three countries, namely Indonesia, the Philippines and Australia with 9 moderators from Indonesia and the Philippines. So, I hope this activity will provide additional income from sustainability," said Cacik Rut Damayanti.

The event, which was held free of charge and could be attended by anyone, was welcomed by the Dean of FIA UB, Assoc. Prof. Andy Fefta Wijaya, Ph.D. “Hopefully through international activities we will get more ideas to have opinions and develop our views about startups not only nationally but also internationally," said Prof. Andy Fefta.

In addition, Dean of College of Business and Management, Tarlac Agricultural University, Silverio Ramon DC Salunson, DBA. also gave his speech. “We are currently in a global crisis due to the results of the Covid-19 Pandemic. So, we need the younger generation to have concern for and responsibility for nature and humanity, as well as a broad understanding of the world to take care of others to make a positive impact on the progress of humanity in the world," said Silverio. Both appreciated the organization of the event Webinars Series and also hope that this event can be sustainable.

The event continued with the main event, namely the first speaker who came from FIA UB, namely Mohammad Iqbal moderated by Aulia Luqman Aziz who sharing related to how to generate business ideas for a startups.

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