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FIA UB Bridges Collaboration between UB and Microsoft Indonesia

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FIA UB hosted a guest lecture with the theme "Digital Transformation UB-Microsoft Make Yourself Ready for the Future of Work" on Tuesday (11/4). The activity held by Microsoft Indonesia and Brawijaya University was centered in the Hall of Building A, 4th Floor of FIA UB. The event was attended by the Chancellor of Brawijaya University, Prof. Widodo, M.Si., Ph.D.Med.Sc. the vice-chancellors, the Dean of FIA UB Drs. Andy Fefta Wijaya, MDA., Ph.D, and Dharma Simorangkir (President Director of Microsoft Indonesia) and Maya Arvini (Director of Microsoft Indonesia) as presenters for today's guest lecture. On that occasion, UB's Chancellor and President Director of Microsoft Indonesia also officially signed a cooperation document between the two parties.

In his remarks, the Chancellor invited all students and academics of Universitas Brawijaya to be digitally literate because nowadays all aspects of life are transformed to digital, such as buying and selling activities and teaching and learning. The Chancellor also expressed his hope that in the next semester, the Artificial Intelligence (AI) course will become a compulsory university subject. With the hope that when students graduate they will have a certificate of competence in Artificial Intelligence. "University of Brawijaya aspires to become a digital campus, for this reason it is necessary to accelerate cooperation with Microsoft to realize these ideals," said the Chancellor.

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