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Map the Potential of Pre-Prosperous MSMEs, FIA Performs Service in UB Forest

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The Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) is holding a community service which is located in the UB Forest area, Karangploso, Kab. Poor. Chaired by Edriana Pangestuti, SE, M.Sc. DBA, the community service team sees the problem that there is still weak capacity development and performance of Pre-Prosperous MSMEs so that coaching is needed.

"Apart from that, the problem that occurs is the lack of Pre-Prosperous MSMEs actors who regularly apply micro-marketing techniques to their businesses. There is also related to the lack of knowledge of pre-prosperous MSMEs in gaining wider market access through internet media," explained Edriana.

In their dedication, the team is trying a number of things, including mapping the potential of MSMEs which are expected to increase productivity and support the small economy, generally pre-prosperous families, mapping the potential will provide simple knowledge about micro marketing techniques that can be used by Pre-Prosperous MSME actors, Para Pre-Prosperous MSME actors can have a wider market, thus creating opportunities for development, so that potential mapping can give pride to local products originating from small entrepreneurs, which will later become a differentiator from products on the market.

FIA UB Community Service – Outreach to Participants

"Students are also included in the service this time," he added.

The output of the service which took place from August to November 2018 is that the community will have sustainable capacity, provide opportunities for growth, and get better life opportunities through MSME activities. This activity also contributes to increasing productivity and supporting the small economy (pre-prosperous families). Thus, local products appear that come from small entrepreneurs who come from the potential of UB Forest.

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