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Tutor Training in Accounting Practicum

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In order to prepare tutors for the Accounting Practicum course, the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) is holding a Training of Trainer event for the Zahir Accounting Application. This training is in the development of tutors for teaching at the FIA UB Capital Market Financial Accounting Laboratory.

Accounting Practicum Course Training

The event was attended by FIA UB lecturers and administration staff. As the Dean of FIA UB, Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, MS considers that there is no need to doubt the scientific philosophy of accounting. but to keep up with the times must be accompanied by technology.

The training was conducted for three days (15-17/10/2018). The first two days are training covering material and then the last day Wednesday (17/10/2018) is a test. All series of events are held at UB's Guest House.

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