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FIA UB Graduated 110 Graduates and Graduates

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The sacred moment has been passed by 110 graduates and graduates of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) who joined in the graduation period 2 of the 2018/2019 Academic Year, on Saturday (6/10/2018). The long journey to study has paid off with satisfying honors and praise from all FIA graduation participants. Also present was the Dean of FIA UB, Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, MS., and his staff in the graduation ceremony.

In his speech, he explained about the history of FIA UB which started with two study programs to become 10 as it is now.

"Almost all of them have good predicate and some have obtained international accreditation," he explained. The moment of the 2nd period graduation also coincided with the atmosphere of FIA UB's Anniversary. He explained, on October 14 2018 there will be a Healthy Walk to coincide with the 58th Anniversary of FIA UB.

Prof. Bambang also advised all graduates to be humble as well as knowledgeable. Ability must be increased in accordance with the requirements in real life later. In addition, it is not only technical, but goodness must also be continuously planted.

“Keep fighting with patience. Good luck for even better ones,” concluded Prof. Bambang

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