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UB Collaboration with DDTC Develops Tax Innovation in Indonesia

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Universitas Brawijaya (UB), through the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) in the Business Administration Department of Tax Study Program, has signed a collaboration with Danny Darussalam Tax Center (DDTC), Monday (26/8/2018). Located in the 4th floor hall of Building A FIA UB, the signing ceremony was attended by the Chancellor of Universitas Brawijaya, Prof. Dr. Ir. Nuhfil Hanani AR, MS. along with the Dean of FIA UB Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, MS., Head of the Department of Business Administration Dr. Mochammad Al Musadieq MBA, Head of the UB Tax Study Program, Dr. Saparilla Worokinarsih, M.Si., and Darussalam, SE., Ak., CA., M.Si., LL., M.Int.Tax.

Presented by Prof. Bambang, the signing procession is a monumental thing because DDTC has played an active role in developing the UB Tax study program. "Many of the Taxation students did Field Lecture Practices (PKL) at DDTC. Likewise, several alumni have worked there," explained the FIA Dean. Study program.

Furthermore, Prof. Bambang said the UB Taxation Study Program was designed to provide balanced practice and education. This is motivated by the study of problems in society regarding the progress of education. The Taxation Study Program at UB is the first Undergraduate Program in Indonesia, then it is entrusted to build an association that was born in FIA UB.

On the other hand, Prof. Nuhfil advised to always be prepared for technological developments. "In the future, knowledge will meet each other. Like taxes, technology will meet later, "said Prof. Noahfil. Future development, added Prof. Nuhfil, every scientific discipline will become one unit in continuity.

In addition to increasing the partnership between the two parties, cooperation is carried out to develop tax innovations in Indonesia so that people obey tax payments. The process of signing the cooperation is part of the main event, namely the National Seminar with the theme Prospects of the Tax Profession in the Future. The seminar began with a symbolic opening by the chancellor with the memku gong. Also attending as a speaker was Managing Partner DDTC, Darussalam, SE., Ak., CA., M.Sc., LL., M.Int.Tax, Head of UB Tax Study Program, Dr. Saparilla Worokinarsih, M.Sc., and representatives of the Kepanjen Tax Service Office (KPP).

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