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Gathering and Opening Together with the Academic Community of FIA UB

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In the spirit of enlivening the atmosphere of the month of Ramadan 1438 H, the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) held a "Silaturahim and Iftar" with all academicians, Tuesday (6/6). The event which was centered on the 1st floor of FIA UB Building B Hall was seen to be attended by faculty leaders, lecturers, education staff, and students. During the event, Ustad Dr Muhammad Muwidah MT was asked to deliver tausiyah about the glory of the month of Ramadan. 

FIA UB academic community listens to the taushiyah by Ust Dr Muhammad Muwidah MT

In his opening remarks, the Dean of FIA UB Prof Dr Bambang Supriyono MS invited all academics to work hand in hand in building the faculty. According to the Dean who was just appointed for the 2017-2021 period, the progress of FIA UB would not be possible without the support and assistance of each party according to their respective duties and functions. "Let's work together to build a better FIA UB in the future," said the Dean. 

Meanwhile, in his lecture, Dr Muwidah said that many people who fast have lost the meaning of fasting. Muwidah gave an example of the current situation where there is an increase in food consumption and the prices of basic commodities when Muslims are supposed to be fasting. Therefore, Muwidah invited all FIA UB academics to regain the essence of fasting. "Fasting teaches life enough, not excessive, even though someone has a lot of wealth. If life is never enough, a person will experience stress throughout his life," added the lecturer at the Malang State Polytechnic.

The "Friendship and Iftar" activities continued until the evening. Some of the invitees who were still at the faculty carried out the Isha Prayers and Tarawih together. Acting as the prayer priest on this occasion was Dr Luqman Hakim MSc. 

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