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Compiling the 2016-2020 Strategic Plan, FIA UB Holds Workshop I on Strategic Plan Preparation

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In the context of preparing the FIA UB Strategic Plan (Renstra) for the 2016-2020 period, FIA UB held "Workshop I Renstra 2016-2020: Evaluation of Achievements and SWOT Analysis", Thursday (11/6). At the event which took place in the Meeting Room, Building B, Floor 2, all elements of faculty leadership were present, including department heads, study program heads, and heads of study centers within FIA UB. The agenda for that day's meeting was to convey the achievements of the Strategic Plan for the 2011-2015 period, SWOT analysis for the 2016-2020 period, as well as listening to evaluations or input from workshop participants.

Workshop I Renstra FIA UB
Workshop I FIA UB Strategic Plan

In his speech, Assistant Dean I Dr. MR Khairul Muluk conveyed the various achievements that have been achieved by FIA UB over the past 4 years. Muluk, who in this case represents the Dean of FIA UB who is on an official trip with the Chancellor of UB, said that basically the faculty strategic plan must follow the university strategic plan. "The university plans to expand in ASEAN in 2015, in Asia in 2020, and at the world level in 2025, while FIA UB is actually now at the Asian level with our collaboration with Japan and Taiwan. "So, we are strengthening existing cooperation while continuing to increase cooperation with other countries," he explained.

Meanwhile, Assistant Dean II Drs. Heru Susilo, MA conveyed the achievements within the framework of 7 basic policies stipulated in the previous Strategic Plan, namely Development of FIA UB in the Future, Quality of Learning, Quality of Research and Community Service, Student Affairs and Graduate Employment, Entrepreneurial University, International Imaging, and Management/Service Efficiency and Effectiveness. According to Heru, his party will continue to improve the quality of learning, research and community service facilities and infrastructure so that the quality of FIA UB's services continues to improve, for example by supporting all the efforts of lecturers and students who want to work while also introducing the name of the faculty at various international events. "We always try hard to help lecturers who will present their written work at various scientific seminars throughout the world, as well as students who will compete at the international level, even though we may not be able to cover all their needs," he added.

From the results of the workshop, various evaluation inputs were obtained regarding the achievements of FIA UB from the previous period's strategic plan. These inputs will be processed by the Technical Team which is specifically tasked with preparing the draft of the 2016-2020 FIA UB Strategic Plan. This event is one of a series of strategic planning activities, starting from the preparation of vision and mission, goals, objectives and activity programs, until the culmination is the delivery of the 2016-2020 FIA UB Strategic Plan to all academics and stakeholders before the end of 2015. (ALA/FIA )

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