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FIA UB Studies Public Participation Inside The Government by Inviting Expert from Malaysia

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At this time, almost every national government in the world has opened the public participation in creating their policies. This was done so that the policy that was created was reflecting the initiation of the people for their own country. That is the current global trend that was explained by Dr. Halimah Abdul Manaf in the Guest Lecture entitled "Initiative Assessment of Public Participation in Malaysia Local Government System" in the second floor of B Building. Specifically, Public Administration Program of FIA UB invited Dr. Halimah, an expert of Public Policy from University of Utara Malaysia, to share knowledge of the application of public participation in the local government in Malaysia.

Halimah stated that within the current developing democratic system, public participation is a mandatory in public policy. She believed that the public already had broader knowledge. "So that the public can be more actively participating in deciding the future, not just complaining and demonstrating in the street," he said.

Furthermore, Vice Dean of FIA UB, Dr. MR Khairul Muluk stated his appreciation in his speech for the arrangement of this event. He believed that people should learn more about public participation from Malaysia as one of the developed countries. In this activity we can learn from our neighboring country. But actually both countries can learn together, so we can grow together," as he stated.

Khairul Muluk (kiri) dan Halimah Abdul Manaf (kanan)
Khairul Muluk (left) and Halimah Abdul Manaf (right)
Peserta Kuliah Tamu
Guest Lecture Participants

At the end of his speech, Muluk took time to give one of his books entitled 'Accusing Public Participation in Local Government' to Halimah. "I expected that this could be a reference for the students there," he added. (ALA/FIA)

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