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Elly: The educational process at FIA is very good

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During her visit to the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) Universitas Brawijaya (UB), Thursday, November 20 2014, Elly Muchtoria expressed her joy in the education process at FIA UB. The woman who serves as Head of Finance at the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (Kemenkop & UKM) of the Republic of Indonesia has a daughter who is currently studying at the Bachelor of Business Administration Study Program.

Elly Muchtoria
Elly Muchtoria

To the ranks of the FIA deans, Elly revealed that the education process at FIA was very good. While studying in this study program, Elly's daughter experienced quite significant changes. Now, her daughter has become more independent and has a broader knowledge horizon. “My child now likes to clean his own room. "Even though he rarely did it when he still lived in Jakarta, he did it with pleasure," said Elly.

Apart from that, Elly gave high appreciation to the FIA UB lecturers who she considered gave very good attention to their students, at least that was what Elly's daughter felt. "The lecturers here are very disciplined, but still responsible and give full attention to their students," said Elly. (ALA/FIA)

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