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FIA Panel Discussion: Good Bureaucracy, Based on Exemplary Individuals

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Diskusi panel yang diikuti berbagai peserta PTN, PTS di kota MalangBureaucratic reform actually aims to create a clean, competent and transparent bureaucracy. Clean from KKN and politics, and uphold the responsibilities assumed. But unfortunately nowadays, these things are decreasing along with the running of democracy in government. Bad behaviors, such as corruption, collusion, have become a culture that has been reflected in the social order. There is a saying that "money is the root of all evils" (money is the root source of evil), this is in line with what was conveyed by Dian Rahmawati as a representative from the Jakarta Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) when giving material at a Panel Discussion event in Building C FIA, lt. .3, Monday (21/10).

The event, which is also part of a series of National Level Scientific Writing Contest (LKTI) activities, was held by the Humanistic Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB), and was attended by various invited guests including several PTN/PTS in Malang. With the big theme "Strategy to Accelerate Bureaucratic Reform", it is hoped that later students will also have a major contribution in a critical and strategic thinking concept in building an exemplary bureaucracy. Realizing a clean bureaucracy, increasing the capability and accountability of bureaucratic performance, increasing the quality of public services through innovation and good and responsible leadership are some of the main objectives discussed in the discussion.

In her presentation, Dian explained, fighting corruption does not mean that the tasks assigned are only centered on an organization (such as the KPK). But it takes the active role of the community and awareness in fighting corruption itself. “Students can also participate in fighting corruption, from small things first. For example, not cheating, not taking absences, not arriving late or other trivial matters. Because the behavior orientation of corruption itself is actually not limited to money (money oriented), but focuses more on how to place the attitudes and characteristics of individuals within the community," he said.

However, in the end acts of corruption will give rise to structured and organized crime. Ironically, crimes that are committed together are always inseparable from something material in nature. This has also become a special concern for academics to do more in solving problems at the bureaucratic level, where this strategy of accelerating bureaucratic reform is a concrete step to form a credible and efficient government.

Edy Rumpoko memberikan materi kepada peserta diskusi
Edy Rumpoko gave material to the discussion participantsMeanwhile, Edy Rumpoko as the mayor of Batu explained in his material, that the bureaucracy itself can work well if it is filled with people who are fair and uphold friendly relations. For example, the development of Batu City over the past 12 years is the result of government performance with solid community support. So that currently the city of Batu can develop in various fields, especially the economy, agriculture and tourism. "All of this is thanks to the hard work of all levels of the agency, and all of this is based on a foundation of commitment, honesty and public service," he added.

The key is to remove the mindset that a bureaucrat and society have social boundaries in a state society. Because leaders in bureaucrats must have four leadership functions. They are pioneers, aligners, empowerers and role models. “A bureaucrat is a public servant, a public servant. Where we (as a bureaucrat) should have upheld friendly relations with all parties. How can we prosper the community, if we ourselves don't want to know and protect them," he concluded. [senses]

source: Prasetya Online

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