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CoAss (Gadjah Mada University) emerged as the winner of the 2017 ASEAN ESPRIEX Business Model Competition

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Setelah melewati persaingan yang sengit di babak 25 besar dan 5 besar, akhirnya tim CoAss dari Universitas Gadjah Mada dinobatkan sebagai Pemenang I ESPRIEX Business Model Competition ASEAN 2017. Tim yang mengusung konsep aplikasi klinik gigi berbasis online itu berhasil menyisihkan Olride (Universitas Brawijaya) dan Atfire (Universitas Brawijaya) yang harus puas duduk di posisi kedua dan ketiga. 

Thus, CoAss is entitled to a cash prize of USD 5,000. In addition, CoAss will depart for the United States in mid-2017 to compete in the top 48 of the 2017 International Business Model Competition at Harvard University as a representative from ASEAN. 

CoAss (right) received a prize from the Dean of FIA UB Prof Dr Bambang Supriyono

Before winning the title, CoAss must compete in the top 5 round with four other teams, namely Olride (UB), Atfire (UB), Edu Techno (International Islamic University Malaysia), and Runnex (Chulalangkorn University, Thailand). The performance of the five teams was very good and managed to amaze the jury consisting of Sunu Widyatmoko (Fintech), Dedy Satryo Pambudi (TAPP Market), Dr. Antonius Setyadi (Castrol Indonesia), Jacky Mussry (MarkPlus, Inc.), Mohammad Iqbal DBA (FIA UB), and Mokhammad Kholid Mawardi PhD (FIA UB), and Michael Hendron as a representative of the International Business Model Competition from Harvard University via teleconference. 

One of the jury teams in the top 25 round

According to information obtained from the committee, the top three teams actually have a good business modeling concept. It's just that, when compared to other teams, CoAss has more value in the form of a better social impact on society. That's because the CoAss application proposed by a team consisting of UGM Dentistry students aims to connect dental patients and dental dental implants. Not only that, CoAss also helps in terms of financing. Thus, they have a greater chance of getting customers compared to working alone. 

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