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FIA UB Alumni Summit 2016, Presents Interactive Dialogue and Shadow Puppet Performance

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Rousing! That is one word that can describe the series of top events of the 56th FIA UB Anniversary yesterday, Saturday (15/10). Dozens of FIA UB alumni across generations from various cities in Indonesia gathered to attend the "2016 FIA UB Alumni Summit" which was held in the Hall of Building C, 3rd floor.

The celebration of the day began with an interactive dialogue entitled "Re-actualization of Alumni's Role in the Future Development of FIA UB". In the dialogue moderated by Dr. Riyanto, M.Hum (Director of UBTV and UB FIA Lecturer) and Topan (Comedian-Culture of East Java), seven successful alumni were asked to convey their thoughts as well as their respective success stories to the hundreds of students and lecturers who attended. The seven people are Dr. Idrus (Regional Secretary of Malang City), Prof. Dr. Mas'ud Said (Expert Staff of the Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia), Heri Sudarmanto (Director General of Manpower Development and Placement, Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia), Sis Apik Wijayanto (Director of Bank Rakyat Indonesia), Diana Hadi (Senior Vice President, Bank Mandiri), Totok Suryanto (Deputy Editor of TvOne), and Makhlus Sadat (National Entrepreneur). Another successful alumni, Eddy Rumpoko (Mayor of Batu), was also present in the middle of the event, but had to leave because of a work agenda elsewhere.

Totok Suryanto (Wakil Pemimpin Redaksi TvOne) bersama Dr. Riyanto (kiri)
Totok Suryanto (Deputy Chief Editor of TvOne) with Dr. Riyanto (left)

The presence of dozens of alumni from the class of 1979 to the 2000s was also used to elect the chairman of the UB FIA Alumni Association (IKA UB) Commissariat of FIA UB. After the interactive dialogue, the alumni held a meeting to determine who had the right to occupy the position of Head of IKA UB Commissariat of FIA UB for the 2016-2017 period. In a recent discussion, the alumni forum agreed on the re-election of Sri Haryati alias Dida (class of 1984) as Head of IKA UB Commissariat of FIA UB. Furthermore, Dida was given the mandate to perfect alumni data across generations.

Sri Hartati a.k.a Dida (memegang tongsis) ber-wefie bersama Dr. Suryadi (kiri), Dekan Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono (kedua dari kanan), dan Dr. Kusdi Rahardjo (kanan)
Sri Hartati aka Dida (holding a selfie stick) taking a selfie with Dr. Suryadi (left), Dean Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono (second from right), and Dr. Kusdi Rahardjo (right)

In the evening, the alumni and their extended family of FIA UB and residents around the campus were treated to shadow puppet entertainment. What's special is that the play that was performed was sung by the puppeteers of UB's big family, including Dalang Ki Arik Prasetya, Ph.D (Lecturer of FIA UB) and Dalang Ki Surachman (Student and Alumni Staff of FIA UB).


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Article: Aulia Luqman Aziz

Photo: A. Khoirul Amin/Aulia Luqman Aziz

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