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Tax Study Program Discuss Tax Amnesty with the Government and Practitioners

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FIA UB Tax Study Program organizes two national scale activities consecutively. The first is the National Seminar on "Tax Rate Competition in Global Competition" on Wednesday (5/10), and the second is the Limited Discussion "Tax Amnesty: Momentum Towards Strengthening Indonesia's Tax System" on Thursday (6/10).

At the National Seminar on "Tax Rate Competition in Global Competition", the topic raised was about tax rate policies to increase Indonesia's competitiveness in the global arena. As stated by Kartika Putri Kumalasari, SE, M.SA., Ak as the committee, Indonesia needs to consider determining the appropriate tax rate in order to attract as many investors as possible to invest in Indonesia. According to Kartika, globally Indonesia's tax rates are still higher than neighboring countries such as Singapore, so investors are concerned that investors prefer to invest in countries with lower tax rates.

(Ki-ka) Hidayat Amir (Badan Kebijakan Fiskal RI), Kadarisman Hidayat (FIA UB), Yuniadi Mayowan (Moderator), Darussalam (Danny Darussalam Tax Center) dalam Seminar Nasional Perpajakan
(Left-Right) Hidayat Amir (RI Fiscal Policy Agency), Kadarisman Hidayat (FIA UB), Yuniadi Mayowan (Moderator), Darussalam (Danny Darussalam Tax Center) in the National Seminar on Taxation

The speakers who attended the National Seminar were Hidayat Amir, MSE, Ak, Ph.D (Research Coordinator, Fiscal Policy Agency of the Republic of Indonesia), Darussalam, SE., Ak., M.Si, LLM Int.Tax (Managing Partner, Danny Darussalam Tax Center), and Dr. Kadarisman Hidayat, M.Sc. (Head of FIA UB Tax Study Program).

Meanwhile, in the limited discussion "Tax Amnesty: Momentum Towards Strengthening the Indonesian Tax System", three parties were also present to discuss the implementation and evaluation of the tax amnesty policy consisting of academics, practitioners and the government. In this case, academics are represented by tax and fiscal administration researchers from the University of Indonesia and Brawijaya University who are members of the Indonesian Fiscal and Tax Administration Association (IFTAA), while the government was represented by Dr. Rudy Gunawan Bastari (Head of East Java DGT Regional Office 3).

(Ki-ka) Kadarisman Hidayat (FIA UB), Prof. Bambang Supriyono (Dekan FIA UB), Prof. Haula Rosdiana (UI/Sekjen IFTAA), Rudy Gunawan Bastrai (Kakanwil DJP Jatim 3) dalam diskusi Tax Amnesty
(Left-right) Kadarisman Hidayat (FIA UB), Prof. Bambang Supriyono (Dean of FIA UB), Prof. Haula Rosdiana (UI/Secretary General of IFTAA), Rudy Gunawan Bastrai (Kakanwil DGT East Java 3) in the Tax Amnesty discussion

The results of the discussion concluded that the tax amnesty policy still contains pros and cons from various groups, both from an economic and political standpoint. However, with strong government and DPR support, this program can be declared successful in this first period, so that the forum supports its sustainability in the second period which is planned to invite the participation of MSMEs.


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Article/Photo: Aulia Luqman Aziz

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