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Iftar with the Big Family of FIA UB

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The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) continues the tradition in the month of Ramadhan by holding an "Iftar with the Big Family of FIA UB", Monday (13/6). The event, which was centered at the basement prayer room, was attended by lecturers, educational staff, and their families. While waiting for the time to break the fast, the audience listened to the spiritual sermon delivered by Ust. Luthfi Fauzan, M.Pd.

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In his remarks, the Dean Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, MS expressed his hope that the entire FIA UB family could carry out fasting properly. The Dean advised the audience to really observe the fast wholeheartedly, not just to endure hunger and thirst. "Our fasting must be our means to realize our goal of becoming pious people," said the Dean.

Meanwhile, St. Luthfi Fauzan, M.Pd in his lecture said that fasting is a special worship because the reward comes directly from Allah SWT. Luthfi said that fasting is a means to heaven which all faithful servants certainly desire. “The Prophet said, you actually want to go to heaven or not. If you don't want to, then fine," said the Guidance and Counseling lecturer from Malang State University, half joking.


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Article: Aulia Luqman Aziz

Photo: Private Priambada


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