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Marketing 3.0, a Love and Trust-based Marketing Approach in the style of the Prophet Muhammad SAW

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For those who have heard or even watched the latest Superman vs. Batman certainly knows that this is a film that tells the story of the fight between two heroes in the superhero universe. Superman and Batman, two favorite defenders of truth, now have to face each other, show each other their strength. However, when planet Earth is faced with a greater threat than their centric egotism, the two of them will unite to defeat the enemy, as we saw in the Justice League series.

That is an analogical picture of Marketing 3.0 which was initiated by Hermawan Kartajaya, an Indonesian marketing expert whose name is worldwide, when giving a public lecture at the Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) (18/4). Hermawan explained to the public lecture participants that Marketing 3.0 had fundamental differences from Marketing 1.0 and 2.0. According to him, Marketing 3.0 in the current era prioritizes human values compared to Marketing 1.0 which is only profit-oriented and Marketing 2.0 which prioritizes consumer satisfaction. In Marketing 3.0, a marketer is required to pay attention to the planet Earth where the market stands before the market itself. Because, without a good planet, the market will not exist.

Hermawan Kartajaya menjelaskan konsep Marketing 3.0 dengan penuh semangat
Hermawan Kartajaya explained the concept of Marketing 3.0 with enthusiasm

In addition, a marketer in the Marketing 3.0 era will prioritize good relationships with consumers, foster a sense of love and friendship based on mutual trust, before offering products to consumers. In other words, Marketing 3.0 is doing business with heart and love, exactly the same as what the Prophet Muhammad used to do, explained Hermawan.

Indeed, the major work he wrote with Prof. Philip Kotler admitted that he was inspired by the progress of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. According to Hermawan, he really took the essence of Islamic values brought by the Prophet Muhammad into the principles of Marketing 3.0 which he initiated. As a result, the book Marketing 3.0 has been selling well and has been read by many people around the world and has been translated into 25 languages. This achievement, said Hermawan, is one proof that Islamic principles are rahmatan lil'alamin, a blessing for all nature, not only for Muslims, so that the principles of Marketing 3.0 that he wrote can be accepted by various groups from various nations.

Hermawan further explained, there are ten basic creeds or principles in Marketing 3.0, one of which is "Target Your Customers, Respect Your Competitors”. Business competitors may not be killed according to the principles in Marketing 1.0 and the principles of Capitalism; conversely, business competitors must be respected and maintained to complement each other in an effort to meet consumer needs, such as the story of Superman and Batman earlier. Hermawan gave an example of a luxury resort with rooms costing Rp. 6 million a night in Bali, while in the vicinity there are inns with room rates of less than Rp. 1 million a night. Does the resort feel disadvantaged? Apparently not. According to the resort owner, precisely the existence of inns low budget around his business building it is profitable for him to target more consumers in the wedding segment. Families and wedding guests who are held at the resort can stay at inns around the resort which are more affordable. That way, both parties benefit equally.

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