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55th Anniversary, FIA UB Invites the Chancellor and Academic Community to Have a Healthy Walk Together

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Still in the atmosphere of its 55th Anniversary, FIA UB held a Healthy Walk for the academic community consisting of lecturers, educational staff, and student representatives, Sunday (20/9). Also attending the event were the Chancellor, Vice Chancellors, Deans in UB, and rectorate officials.

Before leaving, the healthy walk participants were treated to action freestyle soccer presented by students who are members of LoF Mafioso, an organization that accommodates students' talents and interests in sports. After that, the Dean of FIA UB and the Chancellor of UB took turns giving remarks as well as sending the healthy walk participants which were attended by around 400 people.

Anggota Mafioso peragakan free style soccer
Mafioso members demonstrate free style soccer

In his remarks, the Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir. Mohammad Bisri conveyed his congratulations and success for the 55th Anniversary of FIA UB. According to the Chancellor, the age of 55 is like the age of a mature person. Because of that, the Chancellor advised FIA UB to focus more on improving the quality and quantity of postgraduate programs rather than increasing the number of undergraduate students. "In order to achieve ideal education at the age of 55, it is time for the FIA to stagnate the number of undergraduate students at the current level and focus on developing masters and doctoral degrees," said the Chancellor.

Rektor UB membuka jalan sehat didampingi Dekan FIA
UB's Chancellor opened a healthy walk accompanied by the Dean of FIA

After delivering his speech, the Chancellor and the Dean of FIA UB cut the ribbon which flew a balloon that said "FIA UB 55 Years". Interestingly, before the flag start hoisted, the participants of the healthy walk have moved forward to fulfill the event route that surrounds the UB area. After all healthy walk participants arrive at the line finish, raffle event door prize started. On the sidelines of the draw, student organizations in the field of music, AMC, also enlivened the event. The deans who were present also carried away the cheerful atmosphere so that they came together on stage to sing several songs while dancing together.

Rektor serahkan hadiah utama kepada Hendrik Tri Laksono
The Chancellor handed over the main prize to Hendrik Tri Laksono


Coverage Team:

Article: Aulia Luqman Aziz

Photo: Hendrik Tri Laksono

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