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PKK Maba FIA, Dean: Take Care of Worship and Messages from Parents

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This morning, Wednesday (2/9), the Dean of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, MS officially opened the "2015/2016 FIA UB New Student PKK". On that occasion, the Dean also introduced the faculty leadership along with several professors who had the opportunity to attend. Apart from faculty leaders and professors, that morning's event was also attended by all lecturers from the Department of Public Administration and the Department of Business Administration.

To all new students, the Dean said that their choice to enter FIA UB was not wrong because this faculty is the only state faculty in Indonesia that focuses on the development of administrative knowledge. In addition, the Dean added that all study programs in this faculty have been accredited very well, so the quality of education cannot be doubted. "One semester ago, the University of Indonesia followed in our footsteps by establishing the Faculty of Administrative Sciences and is now our young brother," said the Dean who was greeted with applause from the freshmen.

Dekan FIA menyampaikan sambutan dalam pembukaan PKK Maba FIA 2015
The FIA Dean delivered his remarks at the opening of the 2015 FIA Maba PKK

Ending his remarks, the Dean advised two things to the new students. Firstly, the Dean encouraged freshmen to always remember the messages and struggles of the two parents who were at home waiting for their children's success. Then, secondly, the Dean stressed the importance of being a religious person to achieve success, and one of the efforts to make this happen is to always carry out and maintain worship consistently. "We have arranged lecture hours at FIA UB in such a way as not to violate prayer times. Therefore, for those of you who are Muslims, pray on time. And for you adherents of other religions, be good adherents of religions according to the teachings of each religion," explained the Dean.

Dekan mengalungkan name tag kepada perwakilan maba
The dean put a name tag on the freshman representative
Selama PKK FIA, maba dikondisikan untuk shalat tepat waktu
During the FIA PKK, freshmen are conditioned to pray on time

The opening ceremony ended with the introduction of all FIA UB lecturers and the Dean's beating of the gong. In this academic year, FIA UB accepts 1,174 new students. However, the number of participants who took part in the PKK Maba this year swelled to 1,200 people because there were some old students who had not graduated from the PKK Maba in the previous period. (ALA/HDR/FIA)

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