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FIA UB Leads the Discussion of the Draft Ministerial Regulation on the Development of Rural Areas

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The Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration (Kemendes) cooperates with the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) to hold a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on "Socialization and Coordination of Draft Guidelines for Development of Rural Areas in Region I (Sumatra)". Dozens of participants consisting of officials from ministries, local government representatives in the Sumatra region, representatives from several local universities, and a team from FIA UB seemed to take part in the event which lasted for two days from Sunday (23/8). The event, which took place at the Garuda Plaza Hotel in Medan, aims to finalize the draft Regulation of the Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration concerning the Development of Rural Areas. It is hoped that the goals of developing rural areas can integrate various policies, plans, programs and activities in accordance with the conditions and potential that exist in rural areas.

Minister's Expert Staff for Cooperation between Institutions Dr. Lili Romli, M.Si explained the importance of this event. According to him, the outputs from the FGD will later become a reference for local governments and ministries/agencies in compiling derivative regulations and in establishing programs or activities in rural areas. Rural areas, added Romli, are centers of economic growth, so the draft regulations made must be right on target according to the characteristics of each rural area. "For this reason, I hope that this event can produce quality input and not just be a formality," said Romli.

Dr Wilopo (kiri) selaku Koordinator FGD dan Dr Lili Romli (kanan)
Dr. Wilopo (left) as the FGD Coordinator and Dr. Lili Romli (right)

Meanwhile, Director of Economics for Rural Areas Drs. H. Mukhlis, M.Si mentioned his party's responsibility in realizing the Nawacita vision initiated by President Joko Widodo, namely the government's commitment to oversee the implementation of the Village Law in a systematic, consistent and sustainable manner to achieve advanced, strong, independent and democratic villages. "This Ministerial Regulation has a very vital role as a means to realize the ideals of developing villages and developing villages according to the president's instructions," said Mukhlis. (ALA/NUH/FIA)

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