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2013/2014 Fast Track and Double Degree Program Scholarship Offers

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ANNOUNCEMENT No. 8686/UN10.3/AK/2013 Notified to all students of the Bachelor Study Program (S1) of Business Administration class 2009 and 2010 with a cumulative grade point average (GPA) above 3.50 that there is an opportunity to take part in the Fast Track and Double Degree Programs of the Faculty of Science Administration for the 2013/2014 Academic Year. Registration and selection of prospective scholarship recipients will be held on: Day/date: Tuesday, August 20 … Read more

Implementation of Graduation Period I Academic Year 2013/2014

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Announcement No: 3424/UN10/AK/2013 Period I Graduation Ceremony for 2013/2014 Academic Year With regard to Period I Graduation for 2013/2014 Academic Year, we hereby notify the following: a. The graduation procession was held on August 24 2013. b. There are no cancellations or replacements for graduation participants. c. The graduation dress rehearsal was held on Friday, August 23 2013 … Read more

Circular to PA Lecturers regarding KRS Validation

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The following is a circular for PA lecturers regarding KRS validation, you can download it in the circular for PA lecturers regarding KRS validation. The KRS Validation flow can be downloaded at (krs validation flow) Thank you, FIA UB Academic Subdivision

2013 National Level Creative Economy Writing Contest for Students

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It was announced that the Research and Development Center for Creative Economy Policy, the Resource Development Agency, the Ministry of Tourism and the Creative Economy held a National Level Scientific Writing Contest for Creative Economy students in 2013. The theme of the competition: “Creativity to Strengthen National Identity: Content-Based Creativity Development Indonesian Arts and Culture in the Broadcasting Industry”. As for further information… Read more

Judiciary Announcement

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ANNOUNCEMENT No: 7784/UN10.3/AK/2013 Notified to FIA UB students that the Judicium for Undergraduate, Masters and Doctoral Programs will be held on: Day: Thursday Date: 1 August 2013 Time: 09.00 WIB Place: Building B Floor IV Thus to draw attention . Thank you, FIA UB Academic Subdivision