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Schedule of Final Examinations for Bachelor Programs (S1) Odd Semester 2013/2014 Academic Year

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The following is the Schedule of Final Examinations for Bachelor Programs (S1) Odd Semester Academic Year 2013/2014 as follows: Public Administration Science Government Administration Development Planning Library Science Business Administration Taxation International Business Hospitality and Tourism So that it can become a concern. Thank you, FIA UB Academic Subdivision

Socialization and Online KRS Programming Training for New Undergraduate Students Batch 2013 (Reminder)

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ANNOUNCEMENT No. 13958/UN10.3/AK/2013 In order to equip students to be able to deepen the technical and programming processes of KRS Online, it is hereby notified to all 2013 Batch students to attend: Day: Saturday, December 14 2013 Time: 08.00 WIB – Finish Place: Hall 4th Floor Building A FIA Event: Socialization and Online KRS Programming Training As for the provisions for class distribution … Read more

Webometrics Awards FIA UB

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›In order to support the goals of Universitas Brawijaya to achieve World Class University and improve webometrics of Universitas Brawijaya, Faculty of Administrative Sciences - Universitas Brawijaya held Webometrics Awards FIA UB, which was held from Monday 9 December 2013 to Friday 13 December 2013. The evaluation of this competition was seen from: 1. Completeness of standard WEB templates for Universitas Brawijaya in Work Units … Read more

Socialization of Internships for Undergraduate Students of the Department of Public Administration Class of 2011

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Announced to all Public Administration Undergraduate students Class of 2011, Internship Socialization will be held on: Day: Friday Date: 6 December 2013 Time: 13.00 WIB Place: Building C Floor 3 FIA It is thus of this announcement so that the student concerned can pay attention. Thank you, FIA UB Academic Subdivision

B-Fast (Facilitator Business)

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FIA UB, B.Fast Committee. B-Fast (Business Facilitator) is a work program of the Business Administration Student Association (HIMABIS) Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya with the aim of providing a forum for students majoring in Business or Administrative Sciences in particular, in the form of independent business applications engaged in advertising. The advertising services provided are spreading the advertisement via video … Read more

Implementation of Dress Rehearsals and Collection of Period IV Graduation Gowns for the 2013/2014 Academic Year

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ANNOUNCEMENT Number : 14072/UN10.3/TU/2013 IMPLEMENTATION OF CLEAN REGION AT UB'S FACULTY OF ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES FOR PROSPECTIVE GRADUATES/WATI : Period IV (7 December 2013) on : Day/Date : Friday/6 December 2013 Time : 08.30 WIB Place: 4th Floor Hall of Building A FIA UB For prospective graduates/women … Read more

Debriefing of the World of Work for Prospective Graduates of the Undergraduate Program

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ANNOUNCEMENT Number : 14016/UN10.3/TU/2013 Debriefing of the World of Work for Prospective Graduates Period IV 2013/2014 Academic Year, will be held on: Day : Wednesday Date : 4 December 2013 Time : 08.00 WIB Speaker : Wiwin Lukitohadi, S. Psi, SH., CHRM, Ristika Kurnia Nestiorini, SP, Linda Ilfiana Mahalesi, S.Psi, Andito Aryo Dwi Putro Theme: Job Selection in the World of Work … Read more

Socialization and Online KRS Programming Training for New Undergraduate Students Class of 2013

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ANNOUNCEMENT No. 13958/UN10.3/AK/2013 In order to equip students to be able to deepen the technical and programming processes of KRS Online, it is hereby notified to all 2013 Batch students to attend: Day: Saturday, December 14 2013 Time: 08.00 WIB – Finish Place: Hall 4th Floor Building A FIA Event: Socialization and Online KRS Programming Training As for the provisions for class distribution … Read more

Period IV Graduation Announcement 2013-2014

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In connection with the fulfillment of the Period IV Graduation quota for the 2013/2014 Academic Year, we hereby inform you of the following: The graduation procession was held on December 7, 2013. There were no cancellations or replacements for graduation participants. The graduation dress rehearsal was held on Friday 6 December 2013 at 15.00 WIB at Samantha Krida UB. Faculties can take graduate invitations … Read more

Advanced PKBR Implementation

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In connection with the Regulation of the Chancellor of Brawijaya University Number 452 of 2013, all Students of the Faculty of Administrative Science class of 2013 are REQUIRED to participate in Religion-Based Character Development Activities (PKBR) which will be held again on: Day/Date: Saturday, 23 November 2013 (continuous every Saturday ) Time : 06.30 – finish Place : Area of Faculty of Administrative Sciences Thus... Read more

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