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Short Semester Schedule for Academic Year 2013/2014 (Additional)

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The following is the Schedule for Even Short Semester Academic Year 2013/2014 for Public Administration Law Courses, as follows: Thursday, 12.30 WIB, Room A3.02 Friday, 13.00 WIB, Room A3.02 Saturday, 12.30 WIB, Room A3.02 Lectures: 1 July – 15 August 2014 So that it can be a concern. Thank you, FIA UB Academic Subdivision

Evaluation of the Implementation of Even Semester Final Exams for the 2013/2014 Academic Year

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Announcement No. 8178/UN10.3/AK/2014 The names of students listed in this attachment, were declared to have violated the examination rules in the Final Examination of Even Semester of the 2013/2014 Academic Year. Therefore, these names were subject to sanctions in the form of being removed from the exam room, not allowed to take follow-up exams and the value of the course was dropped. If in the next semester exam again violates it will be ... Read more

Correction of Judicium Announcement July 2014

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ANNOUNCEMENT No: 8171/UN10.3/AK/2014 Notified to FIA UB students that the Judiciary for Undergraduate, Masters and Doctoral Programs was held on: Day: Friday Date: 4 July 2014 Time: 08.30 WIB Originally located in: Meeting Room Building B Floor IV MOVED TO: Hall of Building A, Floor IV. Thus, to attract attention. Thank you, FIA UB Academic Subdivision

Follow-up UAS Even Semester Academic Year 2013/2014

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In the following, you can download a list of names of students who are entitled to take the UAS for the Even Semester Supplementary Academic Year 2013/2014, as attached here. Note: For students whose names are listed in the list above, but who have not completed the supplementary exam data (NIM, Subjects, Classes and Supporting Lecturers), please contact the Academic Subdivision no later than July 8, 2014 Exceeding these provisions... Read more

Announcement regarding SP Even Semester 2013/2014

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It is notified to students who have registered for SP but the programmed courses cannot be implemented, refunds will be served on 18 – 30 August 2014, on working days and hours. Notified to Admin Study Program students. The public who program the Public Administration Law SP program and students of the Admin Study Program. Businesses programming SP Cost Accounting I, please... Read more

Short Semester Schedule for Academic Year 2013/2014

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The following is the Short Semester Schedule for Even Academic Year 2013/2014 as follows: Introduction to Class Schedule for SP Even 2013 Lecture Hours for SP Even 2013 Schedule for SP Even 2013 – Business Schedule for SP Even 2013 – Public Schedule for SP Even 2013 – Government So that it becomes a concern. Thank you, FIA UB Academic Subdivision

Corrections to the 2013/2014 Even UAS Schedule

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Notified to students who program the Accounting System II Course, to pay attention to the schedule errors as follows: Examination Subjects: Accounting Systems II Classes: A, B, C, D, E and K Scheduled: Friday, June 27 2014 At 07.30 WIB Should have been: Friday , 27 June 2014 At 07.00 WIB So that it becomes a concern. Thank you, FIA UB Academic Subdivision

RI Minister of Defense Visits FIA UB

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Minister of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia (Menhan RI) Prof. Ir. Purnomo Yusgiantoro MSc., MA., Ph.D visited the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIAUB), Saturday (21/6). The purpose of Purnomo Yusgiantoro's visit to the FIA was to test one of the Doctoral students in the Faculty of Administrative Sciences and to give guest lectures to undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral students. Apart from testing one of the FIA doctoral students… Read more

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