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Announcement of Collection of Files & Graduation Names for Period VI of 2016/2017 Academic Year

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ANNOUNCEMENT For Candidates Graduating Graduates Period VI of the 2016/2017 Academic Year (December 3, 2016) Specifically for Undergraduate Study Programs / Levels, it is mandatory to collect validated Graduation Requirements Files on: Day: Wednesday – Thursday Date: November 16 – 24 2016 Place: Sec. FIA – UB Student Affairs Time: Working Hours Announcement and Collection of … Read more

Announcement of Yudisium 24 November 2016

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ANNOUNCEMENT Number: 16813/UN10.3/AK/2016 It was informed to the students of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences that "Yudisium" was for Undergraduate, Masters and Doctoral Programs; 1. Registration, at the latest; Day : Monday Date : 21 November 2016 Time : 12.00 WIB Room : – Public Department Staff (Building B Floor 5) … Read more

MIZAN Scholarship Information 2017

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ANNOUNCEMENT Based on a letter from Mizan Rompia, Mizan has re-launched the mizan scholarship program in 2017. Mizan has paid great attention to encouraging enthusiasm for producing quality writing among campuses, one of which is by providing scholarships. Writing with the theme "Research of Final Work which must have the theme of Islamic studies in terms of various aspects". As for the terms and conditions of the MIZAN scholarship… Read more

Open Recruitment: ESPRIEX ASEAN BMC Project Officer 2017

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Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Administrative Science, Universitas Brawijaya, is looking for PROJECT OFFICER of ESPRIEX Business Model Competition Asean 2017! ESPRIEX is an Asean level of Business Model Competition that has been successfully held in the past three years and has also been collaborating with respected universities in the world. Qualifications: – Business student … Read more

List of 2016 Odd Supplementary UTS Participants

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In the following, you can download a list of names of students who are entitled to take the Mid Semester Supplementary Examination for the 2016/2017 Academic Year, as attached here. Note: Students take cover letters for the Supplementary Examination in the Academic Subdivision; The Department of Business met: Mr. M. Bisri/ Mrs. Ratih, the Department of Public Affairs met: Mr. Ahtam/ Mrs. Sulistiyani At … Read more

New Student Invitation for 2016 Bidik Misi Recipients

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ANNOUNCEMENT For 2016 Bidikmisi Recipient Students to Attend: Day: Friday Date: 12.00 WIB – Finish Event: Contract Signing and Bidikmisi Savings Book Collection Place: UB student culture building Clothing: Neat and Alma mater jackets List of student names Bidikmisi recipient… Read more

Debriefing for the World of Work Period V for the 2016/2017 academic year

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ANNOUNCEMENT For Prospective Graduates/Wati Period V TA 2016/2017 (5 November 2016), Debriefing for the World of Work will be held on Day: Sunday Date: 30 October 2016 Time: 08.00 WIB There is an Announcement for Debriefing for the World of Work Period V for the 2016/2017 TA can be downloaded here

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