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IAPA KURNAS MATERIALS 2017 UB Here we send Softcopies of 2017 IAPA National Curriculum Materials Can be downloaded here: EVALUATION OF IAPA KURNAS 2017 FORMAT OF SEMESTER LEARNING PLAN Curriculum development guide PT SK IAPA LO Public Adm 2015 Undergraduate Public Administration Curriculum 210717

Old Student Registration at Universitas Brawijaya Odd Semester 2017-2018 Fiscal Year

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Implementation of Consultation with Academic Advisors : 7 August – 18 August 2017 Implementation of KRS Online (via- SIAM) : 14 August – 18 August 2017 ANNOUNCEMENT Number : 5326/UN10.A01/PP/2017 REGISTRATION OF OLD STUDENTS OF BRAWIJAYA UNIVERSITY ODD SEMESTER OF ACADEMIC YEAR 2017/ 2018 DIPLOMA (VOCATIONAL) PROGRAMS, GRADUATE, POSTGRADUATE AND SPECIALIST 1 Announced to all students of Universitas Brawijaya … Read more

Intermediate Semester Schedule

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Intermediate Semester Schedule can be downloaded here. Additional Schedule for Managerial Economics Business Department Class : A Lecturer : Dr. Sunarti, S.SOS, MAB Day : Wednesday, Time : 18.00 WIB, Room E3.10 Day : Thursday, Time : 18.00 WIB, Room E3.10 Day : Friday, Time : 18.00 WIB, Room E3.10 Day : Saturday, Time: 18.00 WIB, Room E3.10 Schedule … Read more

Announcement of Yudisium 27 July 2017

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ANNOUNCEMENT Number: 9314 /UN10.F03.01/PP/2017 Students of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences were informed that "Yudisium" was for Undergraduate, Masters and Doctoral Programs; Registration, at the latest; Day : Tuesday Date : July 25 2017 Time : 12.00 WIB S1 Public Room : Public Department Staff (Building B 5th Floor) S1 Business : Business Department Staff (Building B 5th Floor) Read more

Debriefing of the World of Work for Period XII Graduate Candidates for Undergraduate Programs

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ANNOUNCEMENT Number: 9304/UN10.F03.05.04/KM/2017 Provision of the World of Work for Prospective Graduates of the Undergraduate Program Period XII (15 July 2017) FY 2016/2017, will be held on: Day : Saturday Date : 8 July 2017 Time : 08.00 WIB – finished (Participants must be present on time) Speakers: Wiwin Lukitohadi, S.Psi, SH., CHRM, Prasetyo Iskandar, ST Theme: Job Selection … Read more

Implementation of Dress Rehearsals and Collection of Period XII Graduation Gowns

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ANNOUNCEMENT Number : 9305/UN10.F03.05.04/KM/2017 Implementation of Dress Rehearsal and Collection of Graduation Gowns Period XII (15 July 2017) on: Day/Date : Friday/14 July 2017 Time : 08.30 WIB – finish Place : Hall 4th Floor of Building A FIA UB For prospective graduates, it is MANDATORY to take part in the Dress Rehearsal. TAKING … Read more

Postgraduate Scholarship Program for Education Personnel (TENDIK) from DIKTI

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PSIK, FIA. Good news for educational staff (Tendik) throughout Indonesia. Now, the Ministry of Research and Technology (KemristekDikti) has reopened the Postgraduate Scholarship for Outstanding Education Personnel (PASTI). Of course, this scholarship will play a role in improving the quality and competitiveness of Tendik human resources and improving the quality of higher education towards a World Class University. For more detailed information, you can… Read more

Announcement of Collection of Period XII Graduation Files for 2016/2017 Academic Year

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ANNOUNCEMENT Number: 7653/UN10.F03.05.04/KM/2017 For Candidates for Period XII Graduates for the 2016/2017 Academic Year (15 July 2017) specifically for the Bachelor (S1) level, it is MANDATORY to collect the validated graduation requirements files on: Day: Monday – Friday Date : 5 – 9 June 2017 Place : Subdivision. FIA – UB Student Affairs Time: Hours … Read more

Correction of the 2016/2017 UAS Even Hours and Room

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All students of the Bachelor of Administrative Sciences program were informed that there were changes in hours and space for the Final Semester Examinations (UAS) in the even semester of the 2016/2017 Academic Year, namely: Correction of Hours Correction of Demikan Room, to be noticed by the Academic Sub Section of FIA UB

Announcement of Judiciary 8 June 2017

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ANNOUNCEMENT Number: 7 4 6 2 /UN10.F03.01/PP/2017 Students of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences were informed that the "Judicium" was for Undergraduate, Masters and Doctoral Programs; Registration, at the latest; Day : Tuesday Date : 6 June 2017 Time : 12.00 WIB S1 Public Room : Public Department Staff (Building B Floor 5) S1 Business : Business Department Staff (Building … Read more

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