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Provision of World of Work Prospective Graduates Period VIII of 2017/2018 Academic Year for Undergraduate Programs

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]PENGUMUMAN Nomor: 706/UN10.F03.05.04/KM/2018 Pembekalan Dunia Kerja Bagi Calon Wisudawan/wati Program Sarjana Periode VII TA 2017/2018 (13 Januari 2018), akan diselenggarakan pada: Hari             :    Sabtu Tanggal       :   3 Februari 2018 Pukul           :    08.00 WIB – selesai (Peserta wajib hadir 15 Menit sebelum Acara Dimulai) Pemateri    : Wiwin Lukitohadi, S.Psi, SH., CHRM, Prasetyo Iskandar, ST Tema           : Job Selection pada Dunia … Read more

Announcement of Collection of Period VIII Graduation Files for 2017/2018 Academic Year

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]PENGUMUMAN Nomor: 705/UN10.F03.05.04/KM/2018 Bagi Calon Wisudawan/wati Periode VIII TA 2017/2018 khusus jenjang Sarjana (S1), WAJIB mengumpulkan berkas syarat Wisuda yang sudah divalidasi pada : Hari         : Senin – Jumat Tanggal  : 29 Januari – 2 Februari 2018 Tempat  : Subbag. Kemahasiswaan FIA – UB Pukul      : Jam Kerja Adapun Pengumuman dapat didownload: … Read more

Implementation of Dress Rehearsals and Collection of Period VII Graduation Gowns for the 2017/2018 Academic Year

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]PENGUMUMAN Nomor : 19140/UN10.F03.05.04/KM/2017 Pelaksanaan Gladi Bersih dan Pengambilan Toga Wisuda Periode VII TA 2017/2018 (13 Januari 2018) pada: Hari/Tanggal    :    Jum’at/12 Januari 2018 Pukul                  :    08.30 WIB – selesai Tempat              :    Aula Lantai 4 Gedung A FIA UB Bagi calon wisudawan/wati, DIWAJIBKAN mengikuti Gladi Bersih. Pengambilan Toga bagi Wisudawan/wisudawati Program Sarjana dilakukan pada: … Read more

Provision of World of Work Prospective Graduates Period VII 2017/2018 Academic Year for Undergraduate Programs

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ANNOUNCEMENT Number: 19139/UN10.F03.05.04/KM/2017 Provision of the World of Work for Prospective Graduates for Undergraduate Program Period VII FY 2017/2018 (13 January 2018), will be held on: Day : Saturday Date : 6 January 2018 Time : 07.30 WIB - finish (Participants must be present 15 minutes before the event starts) Presenter: Dr. Yuhronur Effendi, MM (Secretary of Lamongan) Wiwin Lukitohadi, S.Psi, SH., CHRM, Prasetyo Iskandar, ST … Read more

Announcement of Collection of Period VII Graduation Files for 2017/2018 Academic Year

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]PENGUMUMAN Nomor: 19138/UN10.F03.05.04/KM/2017 Bagi Calon Wisudawan/wati Periode VII TA 2017/2018 (13 Januari 2018) khusus jenjang Sarjana (S1), WAJIB mengumpulkan berkas syarat Wisuda yang sudah divalidasi pada : Hari         : Rabu – Jumat Tanggal  : 3 – 5 Januari 2018 Tempat  : Subbag. Kemahasiswaan FIA – UB Pukul      : Jam Kerja Adapun Pengumuman dapat … Read more

Participate in a Photography Contest with a Total Prize of One Million Two Hundred Rupiah

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In order to enliven the 57th Anniversary of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) in 2017, the Center for Information Systems, IT Infrastructure, and Public Relations (PSIK) FIA UB held a "Photography Contest" with the theme: "ALL ABOUT FIA". FIA UB academic community (students, lecturers, and educational staff) to take part in this competition. Prize: 1st Winner = IDR 600,000.00 … Read more

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Religion-Based Character Development Program for New Students 2017

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[:en]CIRCULAR REGARDING RELIGION-BASED CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FOR NEW FIA-UB STUDENTS CLASS OF 2017/2018 Notified to all new students class of 2017/2018, that according to Rector's Regulation No. 452 of 2013 concerning Implementation of Religion-Based Character Development (PKBR) at Brawijaya University, all new students of class 2017/2018 are required to take part in this activity. For new students who… Read more

Announcement of Names of Prospective PPA Scholarship Recipients in 2017

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ANNOUNCEMENT Number: 4929/UN10.F03.05.04/KM/2017 Following up on the Deputy Chancellor's Letter for Student Affairs Number: 3174/UN10.A03/KM/2017, Regarding: Information on Achievement Improvement Scholarship (PPA) Year 2017, dated March 30, 2017, then hereby informed the List of Candidate Names of Academic Achievement Improvement Scholarship (PPA) 2017 Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Brawijaya University as many as 200 people. The list can be uploaded here For students… Read more

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