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BAN-PT Visitation for Tourism Study Program, Assessor Team: We are Satisfied

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The Tourism Study Program, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB), underwent a field visitation process by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT), yesterday (29-30/6). The visitation was carried out through two assessors from BAN-PT, namely Dr. Indi Djastuti, MS (Diponegoro University) and Dr. Diena Mutiara Lemy, A.Par., MM (Pelita Harapan Tourism College). In general, the visitation process went smoothly and very well. The Tourism Study Program team has prepared all the necessary supporting documents, both in printed and written form softcopy, as proof of the feasibility of administering the study program.

Dean of FIA UB Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, MS welcomed the arrival of the two assessors from BAN-PT. To both of them, the Dean expressed his hope that the two of them would not only fulfill their duties as a field assessment team but also share their knowledge and experience for the future development of the Tourism Study Program. "As a study program that is applying for accreditation for the first time, this visitation must be carried out. "However, we also hope that Mrs. Indi and Mrs. Diena will share their knowledge and experience with us for better development," said the Dean.

One of the Assessor Team, Dr. Indi Djastuti, MS said in her opening remarks that her party had studied all the accreditation form documents sent by the Tourism Study Program to BAN-PT. According to him, the contents of the form and supporting documents are generally very good. However, as a new study program, BAN-PT needs to conduct a field visit before providing its assessment. "We consider this study program form to be very good. "It's just that, there are several things that we need to clarify in the field before this study program gets an accreditation score," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of the Tourism Study Program, Yusri Abdillah, Ph.D, is optimistic that the study program he leads will get optimal grades. He stated that all elements of both the study program and faculty leaders had worked hard and provided great support for the smooth process of applying for this accreditation. According to him, almost all the standards in the study program accreditation form have been met. However, several standards that previously could not be met when sending form documents to Jakarta were fulfilled during this field visit. “For example, at the time of delivery we did not have any graduates. "However, at the time of this visit there was already one graduate who could certainly increase our assessment scores in this accreditation assessment," he said.

The Tourism Study Program has actually been accepting students since 2011 through official government channels, namely SNMPTN and SBMPTN. However, due to several changes in government regulations, the permit for implementing this study program had to be delayed for some time. Until, the implementation decree issued by the Directorate General of Higher Education (Dirjen Dikti) was finally issued on October 17 2014. Every year, interest in this study program continues to increase, especially with the large untouched tourism potential in Indonesia. (ALA/FIA)

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