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Invitation of Tax Science Study Program Students Batch 2015 and 2016

Number : 2902/UN10.F03.12.12/TU/2020

Attachment : -

Subject: Invitation


Dear. : Student / Student

Class of 2015 and 2016

in place


For students of the Bachelor of Taxation Study Program, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, UB class of 2015 and 2016

who have not completed their studies MANDATORY ATTENDANCE at the Academic Evaluation event which will be held on:

Day : Thursday / 19 March 2020
Hours: 08.30 to finish
Place: Hall lt.4 Ged.B FIA UB

Thus we convey this invitation, we thank you very much for your presence


Malang, 12 March 2020

Head of the Study Program




Dr. Saparila Worokinasih, S.Sos.,M.Sc

NIP. 19750305 200604 2 001



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