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Socialization of Public Department Thesis Class of 2014


Number: 6032 / UN10.FO3.11.11 / PP / 2017


Notified to All Mstudent Department of Public Administration Class of 2014 Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Brawijaya in connection with the holding Socialization of the Thesis of the Department of Public Administration which will be held on:


Date and time :

          Tuesday, 02 May 2017 (Public Administration Study Program)

          Wednesday, 03 May 2017 ( Library Science Study Program, Interests Admin. Governance, Interests                                                             Development Planning )

O'clock : 08.00 WIB until finished

Place : Tuesday took place in the Hall of IV Floor Building A FIA – UB

                             Wednesday took place in the Hall of IV Floor of Building A FIA – UB

Program : Socialization of Public Administration Department Thesis Class of 2014


 MANDATORY ATTENDANCE in the activities mentioned above. Thus for this notification to be noticed.


                                                   Malang, 27 April 2017

                                                   and Dean,

                                                   Head of Public Administration Study Program




                                                   Dr. Lely Indah Mindarti, M.Sc

                                                   NIP 196905242002122002

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