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International Seminar "Political Economy Policies of Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand in Facing the Asean Economic Community"


Notified to students Public Administration Undergraduate Study Program, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Brawijaya, in connection with the holding of an International Seminar which will be held on:

Date and time : Thursday, March 17, 2016
O'clock : 07.30 WIB until finished
Place : Hall IV Floor Building A FIA – UB
Program : International Seminar (Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia)
Speaker : 1. Assc. Prof. Ahmad Martadha Mohammed, Ph.D (Malaysia)
2. Prof. Dr. Mohd Fauzi Yaacob (Malaysia)
3. Pol. Capt. Vichien Tansirikonghon, Ph.D (Thailand)
4.Dr. Mardiyono, MPA (Indonesia)
Theme : Political Economy Policies of Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand in Facing the Asean Economic Community.

For students who program the following courses:

1. Mk. Class A Regional Government System (Lecturer: Shinta Happy Yustiari, SAP, MPA)
2. Mk. Capita Selekta Entrepreneurship Class D (Lecturer: Rendra Eko Wismanu, SAP, MAP)
3. Mk. Capita Selekta Entrepreneurship Class F1 (Lecturer: Nana Abdul Aziz, SAP, MAP)
4. Mk. Class G Public Sector Organization Performance (Lecturer: M. Chazienul Ulum, SAP, MPA)
5. Mk. Class D Administration Analysis (Lecturer: Rispa Ngindana, SAP, MAP)
6. Mk. Class A Planning Analysis Method (Lecturer: Andy Kurniawan, SAP, MAP)
7. Mk. Class D Public Sector Capacity Building and Institutions (Lecturer: Ike Arni Noventi, SAP, MAP)
8. Mk. Class E Development Theory (Lecturer: Dr. Mohammad Nuh, SIP, M.Si)

MANDATORY ATTENDANCE at the activities mentioned above, proof of attendance will be counted as face-to-face lectures.
Thus for this notification to make attention.

and Dean,
Head of Public Administration Department
Dr. Choirul Saleh, M.Sc
NIP 196001121987011001

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