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Number : 6116/UN10.F03.01/PP/2021 Malang, 15 June 2021

Lamp : 1 File

Subject : Certified Independent Internship and Study Program



Dear Student

Faculty of Administrative Science

Universitas Brawijaya



In connection with the Main Performance Indicators of Higher Education according to Kepmendikbud Number 754/P/2020, one of the implementations is the Certified Independent Study and Internship Program (MSIB) which is a program to develop the ability hard skills nor soft-skills students in facing the industrial revolution 4.0. In this regard, socialization was continued from UPT Career Development and Entrepreneurship (UPKK UB) Number 67/UN10.D30/KM/2021 which informed the registration period for the MSIB program starting June 9 - July 15 2021 on the portal, along with the guide as attached.


Thus this information is conveyed to be utilized as well as possible.

Official Announcement : WD Announcement 1


and Dean

vice dean of academic fields




Yusri Abdillah, Ph.D.

NIP 197412272003121002

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