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Press Release: Public Lecture by Dr. Hermawan Kartajaya (MarkPlus, Inc.)

Only recently has entrepreneurship been studied as a separate category of business. The stunning success of start-ups like Microsoft, Virgin, and Dell has revealed that entrepreneurship has unique opportunities and challenges. As this field of study continues to develop and become increasingly focused, specific strategies for the success of new entrepreneurs continue to develop.

The main challenge that must be faced by entrepreneurs is to compete against companies that are bigger, better known, and have more resources. How can a small company with a small staff, limited budget, small customer base compete with the giants in their industry. They do this by turning their weaknesses into their strengths. By their very nature, start-up companies can be more flexible and unorthodox than the strategies of their main competitors.

Marketing is one area where entrepreneurs can define a unique identity/differentiation for their company. By creating awareness through differentiation, marketing is one of the best ways for companies to define their image in the minds of consumers.

In Indonesia, this topic is important because of the large number of entrepreneurs who continue to grow, but fail along the way due to a lack of knowledge in determining the right strategy in business. With knowledge of entrepreneurial marketing then entrepreneurs should be able to reduce the number of business failures.

Usai penyematan jas almamater, Hermawan dan para guru besar berfoto bersama
Indonesian marketing expert Hermawan Kartajaya will be present to give a public lecture for the FIA UB academic community

Interesting topic about entrepreneurial marketing This will be delivered by Dr. Hermawan Kartajaya. Founder and CEO of MarkPlus, Inc. will be present at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) on Monday, April 18 2016. The event which will be held in the Hall of Building A FIA UB 4th Floor will take place from 13.00 to 14.30 WIB. Participants in the public lecture were all students of the FIA UB Business Administration Department, especially those who programmed several courses that were directly cared for by Dr. Hermawan Kartajaya. Some of the parties who received special invitations were:

  • Head and Secretary of Local Government in Malang Raya
  • Member of Indonesian Marketing Association (IMA) Malang branch
  • Lecturer in the Department of Business Administration FIA UB

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