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Announcement of Student Registration of Universitas Brawijaya Even Semester Academic Year 2014-2015

Number: 0363/UN10/AK/2015

About :




It was announced to all Brawijaya University students to register for the Even semester of the 2014/2015 academic year with the following conditions:


I. Administration Registration.

  1. Place and Date:
    • The place of payment:
      BANK MANDIRI, MANDIRI SYARIAH, BTN, BRI, BNI and BCA ATMs throughout Indonesia
    • Payment date: 28 January 2015 to 6 February 2015
      Day / Time : Monday – Friday / Time : 07.30 to 15.00 WIB.
  2. Terms
    • Show student card.
    • For students who did not re-register in the previous semester, they must submit a letter of active study again from the Chancellor, and for students who are on academic leave, show the Academic Leave Letter to the Academic Desk to change academic status then submit a photocopy of the Academic Leave Letter to the Budget Desk to unblock it. located at the Crisis Center Widyaloka Building UB.


Notes :

  • Re-registration outside the schedule is not served.
  • Does not serve transfers outside BANK MANDIRI, MANDIRI SYARIAH, BTN, BRI, BNI and BCA ATMs throughout Indonesia


II. Academic Registration (KRS filling).

Registration Date: 2-6 February 2015

  1. Undergraduate and Vocational Programs: See Website
  2. Postgraduate & Specialist Program I: See the schedule announcement issued by the Program/Faculty administering the Postgraduate Program


III. Ssanctions if you do not carry out Administrative Registration :

  1. Students who do not carry out administrative registration in the Even semester 2014/2015 declared unregistered as a student at Brawijaya University and are not allowed to carry out academic and student activities in that semester.
  2. For students who have carried out administrative registration (paid tuition fees) but it turns out that academically they do not meet the requirements to continue their studies, the tuition fees paid in the Even semester 2014/2015 will be refunded.
  3. student who late or not carrying out administrative registration, you can submit an application for academic leave to the Chancellor, no later than March 6 2015, received by the General / Administrative Section of the UB Rectorate, Floor 1.
  4. Unregistered Brawijaya University students more than 2 (two) cumulative semesters and in a row, declared college dropout (drop out).


IV. Etc :

  1. Applications for academic leave submitted after the deadline for submitting academic leave or after  date March 6, 2015, if agreed,  still required to pay tuition fees.
  2. Payment of tuition fees is only proof that you have been registered as a student and are declared active if you have done academic registration (filling in KRS).
  3. Students who are only undertaking a Final Assignment (Scientific Work, Thesis, Thesis, Dissertation) are still required to carry out academic registration (Completing KRS).
  4. For students of the 2008/2009 academic year and after, according to the UB Education Handbook, Progressive Tuition Fees are imposed if:
    • Vocational/Diploma Program students who exceed the three-year study period, the SPP is (100+15)% in the fourth year and (100+30)% in the fifth year.
    • Undergraduate Program students who go beyond the four-year study period, the SPP is (100+15)% in the fifth year, (100+30)% in the sixth year and (100+45)% in the seventh year.
    • Transfer Program Students who exceed the three-year study period, the amount of SPP (100+30)% in the fourth year
    • Masters Program students starting from the 2012/2013 class and thereafter are subject to Progressive Tuition Fees, if they exceed the study period of 2 (two) years, then the amount of the Tuition Fee is (100+15)% in the third year and in the fourth year (100+30)%
    • Doctoral Program students starting in 2012/2013 and thereafter, are subject to Progressive SPP if they exceed the 3 (three) year study period, then the amount of SPP is (100+15)% in the fourth year and in the fifth year (100+30)%
  5. Students who at the time of administrative registration cannot show their Student Identity Card for the previous semester because it is lost, etc., must arrange for a replacement Student Identity Card (KTM) with a predetermined procedure..
  6. Implementation of academic registration (filling in KRS) is regulated by each Faculty/Program.
  7. After the end of the 2014/2015 Odd semester until the start of the 2014/2015 Even semester (February 7 2015 to February 15 2015) no academic activities (including Judiciary) are permitted.
  8. Crisis Center Registration for Even Semester 2014/2015 at Widyaloka Building January 28 2015 to February 6 2015 on working days and hours.


Issued in: M alang
On: January 20 2015

An. Rector
Vice Chancellor I
Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Suharto, MS
NIP. 19530709 198002 1 002

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