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Muhammad Mufli Best Delegate in International Student Conference

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Student of the Business Administration Study Program Muhammad Mufli succeeded in making the name of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) on the international stage. Mufli won the title "Best Delegatein the event International DMuhammad Mufli Best DelegateStudent Development Conference (IDSC) 2016 organized by the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga. In the event themed "Realizing the ASEAN Financial Stability Amidst Global Economic System Dynamics” That, Mufli's writing entitled “The Feasibility Analysis of ASEAN 5 To Implementation of The Single Currency : Qualitative Descriptive Study According To The Optimum Currency Areas Theory” managed to grab the attention of the jury consisting of two economists from Australia and Mexico. Mufli's writing set aside the many papers sent to the committee in the preliminary round. In the final round, Mufli along with 15 other students from Indonesia, Australia, the Philippines and Nepal had to present their work in front of a jury and an audience consisting of students from across countries. 

Mufli Muhammad (left)

Muhammad Mufli Best DelegateMufli wrote the article based on the aim of implementing economic integration in the Southeast Asian region through ASEAN Economic Community, namely realizing the ASEAN Vision 2020 by establishing a single currency system. This will be a challenge for ASEAN itself because not all ASEAN member countries are eligible to form a single currency system due to differences in economic systems, politics, income per capita, level of economic development and institutions. For this reason, an in-depth study is needed regarding the feasibility of Southeast Asian countries to form a single currency through the theory of monetary integration which was popularized by Robert Mundell (1961) under the name of the theory of Optimum Currency Area.


Coverage Team:

Article: Aulia Luqman Aziz/Muhammad Mufli

Photo: Muhammad Mufli

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