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Interest in International Business Holds Import Export Training

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To strengthen the position of alumni in the world of work, Interest in International Business, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB), held "Export-Import Training". The agenda lasted for two days from Monday (12/6) to Tuesday (13/6) and took place in the Hall of Building A FIA UB, 4th floor. This activity was held thanks to the cooperation of International Business Interests with the Jakarta Export Import Certification Agency. 

Import Export Training Atmosphere

International Business Interest Coordinator Dr. Mochammad Al Musadieq MBA said that this training aims to equip prospective graduates with certification to enter the world of work, especially in the export and import sector. According to Musadieq, this training agenda is held annually and must be attended by all students taking an interest in International Business. From the results of this training, participants are welcome to continue by taking the competency test. "In this training, participants were provided with all material related to export and import procedures in Indonesia. Furthermore, participants can take the competency test in Jakarta," said Musadieq. 

The training activity itself was directly supervised by two senior instructors from the Jakarta Import Export Certification Institute, namely Drs Hamdani and Drs Toto Aminoto. Apart from explaining material on export-import procedures, both of them also invited participants to practice questions that are usually issued in competency exams. 

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