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RI Minister of Defense Visits FIA UB

picture1_9861_20140625095109Minister of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia (Menhan RI) Prof. Ir. Purnomo Yusgiantoro MSc., MA., Ph.D visited the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Brawijaya University (FIAUB), Saturday (21/6). The purpose of Purnomo Yusgiantoro's visit to FIA was to test one of the Doctoral students of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences and to give a guest lecture to undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral students.

Apart from testing one of the FIA UB doctoral students, Purnomo Yusgiantoro also gave a guest lecture on national resilience. In this guest lecture, he said that national resilience is a new science and is an applied science. Several things discussed in the science of national resilience include the basic concepts of national resilience, national resources (economy, human resources and technology), the strategic environment, and the spectrum of threats in the strategic environment.

The guest lecture event ended with a discussion with students. Before ending his visit to UB, he took the time to meet with the dean of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, MS and the new Chancellor of Brawijaya University Prof. Dr. Ir. Mohammad Bisri, MS. –Prasetya Online [Shanti/Oky]

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