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Social Media Brings FIA Students to Win Champions

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Social media at this time has become a major requirement for people in Indonesia. In research conducted by We Are Social in 2018, it was noted that of the total population in Indonesia of 264.5 million people, 49 % or 130 million people of the population are active social media users. From this research it can be seen that almost half of Indonesian people are familiar with social media.

This is the background of the idea of two students of the Library and Information Science Study Program, Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) Universitas Brawijaya (UB), namely Novita Cristyne Anggraeni and Haura Zhafira HS in making a short Video Blog (Vlog) about public education using media. social.

"His vlog illustrates how society at this time has made social media the main thing. But people are still not aware of the dangers that occur when using social media without thinking first," explained Novita, who is a class of 2017.

He explained that currently many Indonesian people use social media to disseminate information whose truth is still unknown. Now, people can immediately easily believe news or information whose origins are unknown. If fake news spreads widely, it will have a bad impact. This fake news can even cause misunderstandings between one party and another.

Furthermore, if this misunderstanding is not resolved, there will be problems that can create divisions. Indonesian people also often use social media to record various private activities and then upload the recordings to social media. This can be one of the factors behind the occurrence of crime. If our recordings related to privacy matters (such as valuables, money, etc.) are seen by criminals, then from these recordings criminals can see where we are and what our belongings are like. Making it easier for criminals to carry out their bad intentions.

"In our Inspirational Vlog entitled Be Wise with Social Media, So You Don't Get Bad Luck, we invite the Indonesian people, especially the younger generation, not to easily believe things or news whose truth is still unknown," said Novita.

The vlogs he made, he added, provide information about how to use social media properly and correctly. The team also advised not to easily believe in hoax news, as well as crimes such as data theft cases, bullying, defamation, even murder resulting from the use of social media.

Thanks to the idea, the team managed to win first place in the context of a national scientific meeting of Indonesian library and information science student associations on 29 October 2018.

"Hopefully my video will be able to provide learning for all Indonesian people about how to use social media properly and correctly. Because social media is currently sharing 2 sides of a knife, if we use it properly it will be of good benefit to us. But if it is used incorrectly, then social media can cause negative things such as misunderstandings, conflicts and also crimes that can harm oneself and even others, "concluded Novita.

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