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Student Leadership and Managerial Training (LKMM)

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Deputy Dean III together with the Student Affairs Team held Student Leadership and Managerial Training (LKMM) 

January 11, 2023


In the current era, students and undergraduate graduates are required to have hard skills appropriate to their field of knowledge through lecture activities, and also need to have soft skills through organizational activities within the University environment.There are several activities or organizations that students can participate in, including the Student Legislative Institute, Student Executive Institute, Department Association, and Autonomous Institutions and Semi-Autonomous Institutions at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Brawijaya University.


Thus, every student needs to have knowledge and managerial skills to manage student organizations, especially those who are active in organizational activities. Managerial skills are not only useful in campus organizational activities but are useful for the world of work that he will enter after college. One form of effort to provide this provision is that the Deputy Dean III together with the Student Affairs Team held Leadership and Managerial Training (LKMM) for the newly appointed Heads and Representatives of Student Organizations.

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