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General Lecture Estimates (Conjecture) of Strategic Issues in Indonesia's Development Until 2045/100th Birthday of the Republic of Indonesia

Number: 17204/UN10.3/AK/2015

Notified to students Public Administration Undergraduate Study Program, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Brawijaya in connection with holding a Public Lecture which will be held on:

Date and time : Tuesday, 01 December 2015
O'clock : 09.30 WIB until finished
Place : Samantha Krida Building, Universitas Brawijaya
Program : Public lecture
Speaker : Prof. Dorodjatun Kuntjoro Jakti, P.hD
Theme : Estimation (Conjecture) Strategic Issues in Indonesia's Development Until 2045/100th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia

For students who program the following courses:

1. Mk. Class I Public Information System Management (Lecturer: Rendra Eko Wismanu, SAP, MAP)
2. Mk. Class D Indonesian State Administration System (Lecturer: Erlita Cahyasari, SAP, MAP)
3. Mk. Class C English (Lecturer : Taufik Akbar Al Fajri, SS, M.Pd)

MANDATORY ATTENDANCE in the activities mentioned above, proof of attendance will be counted as face-to-face lectures.
Thus for this notification to make attention.

Malang, 30 November 2015
and Dean,
Head of Public Administration Department
Dr. Choirul Saleh, M.Sc
NIP. 19600112 198701 1 001

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