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Guest Lecture on Taxation Completed Dwelling Time

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FIA UB Tax Study Program held a guest lecture with the main topic "Dwelling Time", Wednesday (21/10). The event which raised an issue that was currently hot in the community was the result of a collaboration between the Taxation Study Program and the Customs and Excise Service Office (KPP-BC) Middle Type Customs (TMP) Tanjung Perak. The event was held in the Hall of Building A, 4th Floor of FIA UB and was attended by hundreds of Taxation Study Program students.

In his presentation, Head of KPP-BC TMP Tanjung Perak Efrizal explained that the Dwelling Time case currently being investigated by the National Police Headquarters is not solely the fault of Tanjung Perak Port Customs. He said that at the port there are at least 18 ministries that also manage permits for goods to enter the country, plus Pelindo as the port operator, and private parties or companies. According to him, and in accordance with the progress of the investigation by the National Police Headquarters, there are elements in the Ministry of Trade who have given more quotas to certain private companies in exchange for a certain amount of money. So, waiting time (dwelling time) at the port becomes longer. "Customs does not have the authority to regulate import quotas or storage quotas at ports, so Customs does not get involved in cases of irregularities currently being investigated by the police," he explained.

Penyerahan cinderamata antara KPP BC TMP Tanjung Perak dan FIA UB
Presentation of souvenirs between KPP BC TMP Tanjung Perak and FIA UB

Meanwhile, Head of Kanwil II, Director General of Customs and Excise, Desi Arifinsyah, said that Indonesian customs were among the best in the world. According to him, this achievement was achieved because his party had met all the standards set by the World Custom Organization (WCO) affiliated with the World Trade Organization (WTO). In addition, Desi said that his party also contributed to the establishment of the ASEAN Single Window for customs services in the Southeast Asia region. "For this achievement, some of our employees have been specially contracted by European countries to provide input in the formation of the European Single Window," he explained.

Penampilan Duo Staf KPP BC Tanjung Perak
Performance of the Tanjung Perak KPP BC Staff Duo


Coverage Team:

Article: Aulia Luqman Aziz

Photo: Hendrik Tri Laksono

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