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Participate in a Photography Contest with a Total Prize of One Million Two Hundred Rupiah

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In order to enliven the 57th Anniversary of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) in 2017, the Center for Information Systems, IT Infrastructure, and Public Relations (PSIK) FIA UB held "Photography Contest" by theme:


We invite all FIA UB academics (students, lecturers, and educational staff) to take part in this competition.


  1. 1st Winner = IDR 600,000.00 + Certificate
  2. 2nd Place = IDR 400,000.00 + Certificate
  3. Third Place = IDR 200,000.00 + Certificate

Terms and Conditions:

  1. Register yourself via Google Forms at the address:
  2. Send 1 (one) photo of your best photo work to the email address:, accompanied by your full name.
  3. Photos can be titled according to the theme set by the committee.
  4. Maximum photo file size is 600 KB and you may use any photo media (pro camera or cellphone camera).
  5. Maximum photo works are accepted by the committee on Monday, October 9 2017, pk. 23.59 WIB.
  6. Each photo work must be original (not edited and no plagiarism).
  7. Photographs that enter the committee's email will become the property of FIA UB.
  8. The committee will invite all participants to attend the event Photography Workshop with Doli G. Siregar and Announcement of Winners.
  9. The winning photo work will be published in the 2018 FIA UB Calendar.


  1. Doli G. Siregar (Photo Editor of Radar Malang)
  2. Taufan Pamilu Candra (Photographer of FIA UB)
  3. Aulia Luqman Aziz, M.Pd. (FIA UB PSIK Public Relations Coordinator)

contact person:

  1. Nico (0856 0740 4843 – WA or SMS)
  2. Hakim (0857 0661 6650 – WA or SMS)


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